Eat the Frog: This method makes you more productive

The productivity method called "Eat the Frog" is designed to help you stop procrastinating. You can find out how the strategy works here.

Eat the frog means translated "Eat the frog"- a rather unusual name for a productivity strategy. The concept actually has nothing to do with food intake. Rather, it is about learning how to do big, unpleasant tasks (the frogs) do not procrastinate anymore and can do it faster. One of the most popular time management methods that will make you more productive and organized.

Time management in everyday life: what makes us unproductive

There are so many tasks pounding on us in everyday life that it is sometimes difficult to keep our focus. When we feel overwhelmed, we tend to:

  • to postpone the big tasks – until the very last second
  • Rushing to less important to-dos that are easier to do
  • not to prioritize when we start work

That means: the most unpopular, but most important tasks often fall by the wayside. We then drag them around with us forever in the back of our heads, but we can't really pull ourselves up to tackle them. A lot of stress and pressure builds up subconsciously.

And the longer we wait to complete these important tasks, the more distractions take us away from her. Then the day is over and what you actually wanted to create has remained lying. So that this doesn't happen to you in the future, you should Eat the frog set – a principle for better self-management.

Eat the Frog: where does the name come from?

The Eat the Frog Method was developed by the entrepreneur and consultant Brian Tracy brought to life. The idea came to him when he came across the following quote from the American writer Mark Twain (he wrote, among others, "Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn") stumbled:

"If the first thing you do in the morning is to eat the frog, then you can continue your day with the satisfaction of knowing that this is probably the worst thing that will happen to you all day".

Translated the quote reads: "If you eat a frog first thing in the morning, you can be satisfied all day long because that will probably be the worst thing you can experience."

Brian Tracy got this quote as a Metaphor for a way of working used to save us from postponing unpleasant tasks. The principle should help us to put an end to our procrastination once and for all. Wouldn't it be nice if you no more time pressure because there has never been a pile of unpleasant to-do's? Wouldn't it be great if you were less stressed at work during the day? The Eat the Frog method makes just that possible!

Here is the strategy easy to understand, but not so easy to implement at first. It requires a rethink, which we first have to get used to. But don't worry – if you use the method frequently (preferably daily), it will quickly pass into your blood. And then you can do your tasks in every area of ​​life, process more organized and faster. Nothing is left lying around!

The Eat the Frog Method by Brian Tracy is an option for you if:

  • you postpone tasks more often
  • you often have time problems in everyday life
  • you find it difficult to tackle things
  • important to-dos are left behind
  • you often feel overwhelmed in everyday life
  • you do some things and still have the feeling that you are not making any progress

Eat the Frog: This is exactly how you do it

The Eat the Frog principle is primarily about how to start your day It should make it easier to get started with work so that you can get started right away with full power. According to the method Eat the frog do you tackle the task first that you consider to be the most important – and the most unpleasant – thing. This is then done first, without excuses, before you can take care of more pleasant to-dos.

And this is what the three Eat the Frog steps look like:

  1. Identify yours Frog of the day. What is the biggest and most important task? What should absolutely be done?
  2. Eat the frog: Do this one task first. Regardless of whether it's an important call or a tricky conversation with the boss.
  3. Repeat the strategy every single day anew. You train yourself not to postpone difficult and unpleasant things anymore.

Maybe you think now: "I'm only supposed to tackle one task? I have hundreds of relevant to-do's to do! "But this is exactly where the problem often lies: Due to the numerous tasks, we lose sight of what is really important. Then we do many smaller to-do's, but push the essential tasks Keeping up with the motto: I can still do that tomorrow.

So it makes sense focus on the most important things first and check off this to-do. After all, in the morning we still have most of the energy that we can use to face the bigger challenges. And you will see: It is much easier to work when the unpleasant frog has already been moved out of the way!

Eat the Frog Method: Sounds easy, but it's not

Do the most important things first – that sounds simple and understandable at first. However, when you start using the method, you will notice that this comes first is not that easy. Especially if you really want to use the method on a daily basis. But don't let that discourage you – that's quite normal at the beginning!

Our procrastination, also called Procrastination known, is namely quite persistent. The reason is the brain: If we are afraid of something, we develop an aversion to it. That's kind of Protection mechanism from our thinking apparatus. He wants to save us from unpleasant experiences – a natural instinct.

This mechanism is set in motion for the really elementary tasks. We postpone to-dos because we are afraid of the consequences and fear not being able to do it well enough. That's why we hesitate, don't dare to tackle things and tend to allow distractions. And the longer we postpone to-dos, the more difficult it is for us. A vicious circle. We then have so many negative feelings about the task built up so that it seems overwhelming and insoluble to us.

So tackle difficult things first before your brain can interfere – the Eat the Frog method will help you with this. Get the most uncomfortable task out of the way first and everyday work will be much less stressful. In addition, you will be faster in completing to-dos and will no longer overlook important tasks.

Improving time management: what to do if procrastination strikes?

You want that Learn Eat the Frog Method? Wonderful! To make it easier for you to complete the most important task, there are a few tips that can help you stick to the strategy for longer.

  1. Big frogs, i.e. complex tasks, are welcome split up. Take small intermediate steps. This way, these types of to-dos don't seem so overwhelming to you and you are more likely to tackle them.
  2. Reward yourselfafter you've done the first big task. For example, with a short break from work and a delicious piece of chocolate.
  3. Hold the "frog of the day" in writing. Make a note of the main task of the day clearly visible on a notepad or in your calendar. You can also determine the task the day before and – this way you can start working very focused in the morning.
  4. Think about it Time window for the task. That motivates and helps to keep focus. You can find more tips on this in the article on timeboxing.
  5. Remember ithow good you will feel when the task is done.

Now you know what's behind Eat the frog and how you can use the method in everyday life. Give it a try for a week and see for yourself whether it can really make you more productive.

By the way: You can find more tips on the subject of work and productivity in the BRIGITTE community. Have a look and let yourself be inspired!