Edenred and Sodexo back down, threaten to cap commissions on “restaurant tickets”

PARIS, October 2 (Reuters) – Edenred and Sodexo fell sharply on the stock market on Monday mid-session, penalized by the threat of a cap on commissions on restaurant vouchers.

Around 11:25 GMT, Edenred dropped 8.7% and Sodexo 3.5%, accusing the two biggest declines in the SBF 120, itself down 0.09%.

“Several months ago, I commissioned the Competition Authority to see if the functioning of the restaurant ticket market was fair. We will have the results in the coming days,” Olivia Grégoire said on franceinfo on Monday. , the Minister Delegate in charge of Small and Medium Enterprises, Commerce, Crafts and Tourism.

If a “market dysfunction were proven, I would not take the time to cap commissions on restaurant tickets, so that restaurateurs do not suffer commissions that are too high,” she added, referring to commissions “between 3 and 5%” currently.

“We will cap them on the floor rather than the ceiling,” explained Olivia Grégoire.

Contacted, Sodexo and Edenrend did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

The capping of restaurant voucher commissions is likely to weigh on the prices of the two groups but it is difficult for the moment to estimate the potential impact, underlines Yi Zhong, analyst at Alphavalue. (Written by Claude Chendjou, with Laura Lenkiewicz, edited by Blandine Hénault)

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