EDF workers on strike at nuclear power plants

(News with context)

PARSI, March 3 (Reuters) –

EDF agents in nuclear power plants have decided to go on strike renewable this Friday in France to protest against the government’s plan to reform pensions, announced the CGT Mines and Energy (FNME-CGT) four days before a day of national mobilization.

“Given the debate which is opening in the Senate on article 1 concerning the abolition of special regimes (…) the EDF agents of the nuclear power plants are going on strike”, declared the FNME-CGT on Twitter.

“Decrease this afternoon in the production of electricity”, added the National Federation CGT of Mines and Energy.

The Senate

started Thursday

the examination of the pension reform project of the government, which hopes to reach a consensus with the right, majority in the upper house of Parliament, after extremely tense debates having prevented a complete examination of the text in the National Assembly.

The government wishes to record the progressive end of the so-called “special” regimes of the Electric and Gas Industries (IEG), the RATP, the clerks of notaries and the members of the CESE (Economic, Social and Environmental Council).

Article 1 of the draft law on pensions relating to “special regimes”

has been adopted

in February in the National Assembly, where a very stormy debate on this contested text lasted almost a week.

These schemes created before the creation of Social Security allowed beneficiaries to retire before the legal age.

The trade unions unanimously call for a new day of mobilization on March 7 and threaten to put France on hold to prevent the adoption of the reform.

During a trip to Limoges, the Minister Delegate for Transport, Clément Beaune, recommended that people who can telecommute on Tuesday in anticipation of major transport disruptions. (Written by Kate Entringer, edited by Jean-Stéphane Brosse)

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