Eightlings: This is how the children of “Octomom” 2021 feel

First healthy eightlings
This is how the children of “Octomom” are doing today

In January the eightlings celebrate their 13th birthday.


The birth of the first surviving eightlings was one of the big sensations of 2009. But how is Nadya Suleman’s extended family doing today?

This news caused a worldwide sensation almost 13 years ago: American Nadya Suleman gave birth to eightlings. After the birth, the mother went public with her story in order to earn money for the family. But in the last few years it has become much quieter around the XXL family.

This is how it is with the famous eightlings today

RTL visited the XXL family in the USA and accompanied their everyday life. In the video you can see how the children and mother Naydya are doing today.

Source: RTL


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