Election in France – A country between frustration and relief – News


Emmanuel Macron remains President of France. Opinions are divided on five more years under him. The report after the runoff election.

Emmanuel Macron’s supporters celebrated their current and future President at the Eiffel Tower. But it wasn’t the big party. SRF special correspondent Barbara Colpi asked around.

Le Pen fended off – relief is great

Many were happy, but above all relieved that Emmanuel Macron managed to win the runoff again. A man says in an interview that he was afraid of the “right-wing extremist threat”.


Many in France are relieved that a right-wing government could be averted.

key stone

The relief at the EU in Brussels was correspondingly great. Marine Le Pen was rather critical of the European Union.

Party stays out

However, the meadow near the Eiffel Tower, the Field of Mars, emptied relatively quickly after Emmanuel Macron’s speech and the exuberant party didn’t materialize. They were all satisfied, but some would have expected a little more from last night and Emmanuel Macron’s speech. In an interview with SRF News, two young French women said that they expected more from the event, including more spectators.

President of the unit

In his speech, Emmanuel Macron repeatedly emphasized that he was President of all French people. Emphasizing this unity is important, not least in view of the parliamentary elections in June.

In France, there was not only relief on election night, but also frustration and anger. This applies above all to Macron’s policy. There are many frustrated people in France.

For example, a gentleman mingling with the crowds on the streets of Paris waiting to see Macron drive by in the limousine. He was very sad, he said, and voted against Macron because he would not have solved France’s problems, but continued to indebted the country.

France is divided and Emmanuel Macron faces a major challenge in governing the country over the next five years.

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