“Equal representation, of course”: The next CDU woman is promoting dual leadership

“Equal representation of course”
Next CDU woman is promoting dual leadership

Yvonne Magwas heads the women’s group of the Union faction and sees advantages in the renewal of the CDU in a double leadership – with a man and a woman. From their point of view, the ball now lies with the district chairmen. More and more women are demanding more influence in the party.

The chairwoman of the women in the Union parliamentary group, Yvonne Magwas, has spoken out in favor of an equal share of dual leadership in the CDU. “Double leadership definitely has advantages,” said Magwas to the editorial network Germany (RND). “And of course it has to have equal representation.” The conference of CDU district chairmen, which was scheduled for October 30th for deliberations on the procedure for the next party executive election, had to seriously discuss it – “I would like that.”

The CDU member of the Bundestag from Saxony, who was unanimously re-elected as chairwoman of the parliamentary group women, complained: “We could be much further on the question: more feminine, more digital, younger.” For this, however, the results of the structure and statute committee would have to be implemented, said Magwas. “They’ve been around for over a year. Good things.”

If the CDU is serious about personnel renewal, it must first decide on these results at the next party congress. Magwas called for the personnel issues to be resolved quickly. Their reasoning: “It is more important that the Union gets back to work. As an opposition leader.”

More and more women are demanding power

Previously, the deputy CDU chairman Silvia Breher had already spoken out in favor of dual leadership: “I am basically open to this,” she told the “Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung”. She does not see a majority for this at the moment. But the question has to be discussed. Breher criticized the lack of career opportunities for women in her party. “Over the years, we often had women in top positions who tended to have no children. Ursula von der Leyen was an exception. But many women in the party completely bet on their careers Party has to decide whether you want a career or children. ”

The chairwoman of the Women’s Union, Annette Widmann-Mauz, had emphasized to the RND: “The repositioning of the CDU in Germany can only succeed in terms of content, personnel and structure with the women in the party.” The vice-chairman of the Union parliamentary group in the Bundestag, Nadine Schön, had pointed out that the female chairwoman had done the party good. Schön said: “We have had too few women in parliament and party for years. We have to get more.”

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