Excitement about oncology – Upper Austria: 200 employees of the state hospitals infected

A corona cluster with six infected people – three of them unvaccinated – has developed in the highly sensitive cancer department (oncology) of the Steyr Hospital in Upper Austria. This is also a failure of the responsible ÖVP health officer Christine Haberlander, criticizes SPÖ health spokesman Peter Binder: “There is already a compulsory vaccination in the health system for measles, mumps, rubella, chickenpox and sometimes hepatitis A and B. It’s not out of thin air taken when a corona vaccination is prescribed in sensitive cancer wards. ”And there are also 200 currently infected people alone in the houses of the Upper Austria health holding!

The “Krone” report about six infected employees of the oncology department in Steyr is making waves. Three were not vaccinated. SPÖ health spokesman Peter Binder shocks with a current number. A total of 200 employees of the Upper Austria health holding are currently infected with Corona.

At an average level
According to the health holding, 5.9 percent of the total of 30,000 hospital employees in Upper Austria (state hospitals and religious hospitals) have failed. But that is at the average level.

Warning of collapse
“How are the hospitals supposed to do that when more and more employees are becoming ill themselves and entire teams have to be quarantined? 200 employees from the Upper Austrian hospitals are currently suffering from Covid. The people in charge are challenged in all directions – towards the patients, the employees themselves and their duty to ensure that the health care does not collapse, ”says the third President of the State Parliament, Binder, clearly.

No compulsory vaccination on wards with immunocompromised patients
The responsible member of the state government as well as the crisis team is always responsible for deciding whether or not to be vaccinated. “All decision-making structures are bundled with Governor Thomas Stelzer (ÖVP) and his deputy Haberlander. With their decisions, they are responsible for the cluster in the Steyr Hospital and the hundreds of staff failures due to Covid diseases. It is high time that they restructured their political priorities – away from squinting at the votes of opponents of the vaccination towards active crisis management so that Upper Austria can get through the fourth wave without a lockdown. If it is necessary to convince the federal government of stricter measures, then I demand this persuasion work from Stelzer and Haberlander, ”said Binder.

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