Expert Warns: Peeing In The Shower Can Be Dangerous!


Very many people do it, hardly anyone admits or talks about it: taking a shower in the shower. What is actually quite practical can be harmful to your health, experts warn.

The benefits of peeing in the shower are obvious: it saves water (a toilet flush less!) And toilet paper – and thus money. In addition, it is only urine, which may even be healthy (keyword: self-urine therapy) and what may even run more hygienic under the shower, as if you sit on the bacteria-contaminated toilet seat.


Contain bacteria in the urine

Compared to the online magazine Self explains the urologist Stephanie Kielb from Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine , that peeing in the shower is normally harmless. After all, urine consists mostly of water with some urea, a few metabolic products (especially urochrome, creatine and ammonia) and a few bacteria.

Healthy people are bacteria that are naturally present in our bladder, for example to protect them from infections. However, if you have bacteria in your body that trigger urinary tract infections, for example, these are also contained in the urine – and then the peeing in the shower becomes tricky.


Cellulite by peeing in the shower?

“Theoretically, harmful bacteria from urine could enter vacancies in the skin and cause infection,” says Gary Goldenberg, Assistant Clinical Dermatologist at the Icahn School of Medicine, New York. If certain bacteria enter the body through open wounds, they can even cause cellulite, according to Goldenberg.

Sometimes a small cut with the razor blade is enough to give the bacteria entry under the skin. However, the risk is low, the experts confirm. As a rule, there is no health risk when peeing in the shower. Thank God …