Fabio Lanzoni: It still didn’t work out with great love

Fabio Lanzoni
With the great love it still didn’t work out

Fabio Lanzoni 2018 on the red carpet.

© F. Sadou / AdMedia / ImageCollect

It adorns the covers of many romance novels from the 1980s and 1990s – but it has not yet worked out for Fabio Lanzoni with great love.

Fabio Lanzoni became world famous in the 1980s and 1990s when his face graced the covers of numerous romance novels. With his blond, long hair, his distinctive chin line, steel-blue eyes and a well-trained body, the Italian was the epitome of the strong, handsome man after the main female character – and of course the classic reader – were supposed to consume each other. The model became world famous.

Now “People” has found Fabio again and asked the now 62-year-old about his current life. According to this, Fabio, who was at times considered the most beautiful man in the world, still strongly reminds of his younger self.

He sleeps in a hyperbaric chamber – against aging

He also wears his blond hair long and open, his silk shirts unbuttoned and cowboy boots on his feet. He still trains “like a madman” and avoids alcohol, drugs and sweets for the sake of his body. In order to stop the aging process, he should also sleep in a hyperbaric chamber, which is probably in his villa outside of Los Angeles.

With love, however, it still didn’t work out. “I have quantity, but I am looking for quality,” says the womanizer. A model who now has a family of her own once broke his heart – he never got over that, he confided in the magazine: “I treated her badly. She wanted to settle down, but I was too wild.”

Fabio’s dream woman: just no Instagram!

But he keeps looking: a woman who is funny and not obsessed with social media, because he hates Twitter and Instagram. In addition, it should be able to withstand nature. “You mustn’t be afraid of bugs.” And Lanzoni can also imagine a happy ending like in the novels he adorns: In fact, he still wants to get married and have children.
