Fatigue • Only symptom or fatigue syndrome?

Fatigue is derived from French and is translated as fatigue or exhaustion. The terms fatigue syndrome, fatigue syndrome or often simply fatigue are used interchangeably and occur in various diseases such as cancer and multiple sclerosis. Read all about fatigue and how it can be treated here.

Fatigue first describes a symptom that accompanies various diseases such as cancer or multiple sclerosis. According to today's international view, fatigue is itself a disease, which is why it is also known as fatigue syndrome.

At a glance:

  • Fatigue syndrome
  • Fatigue as a symptom
  • Fatigue in cancer
  • treatment
  • What can you do yourself?

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Fatigue syndrome as an independent disease

Fatigue is described in standard medical dictionaries such as the Pschyrembel as "a condition of significant persistent weakness and rapid exhaustion". The Fatigue syndrome, also called chronic fatigue or exhaustion syndrome (in English chronic fatigue syndrome, CFS), is against it independent clinical picture including the following symptoms:

  • Significant decrease in performance due to mental and / or physical exhaustion lasting at least six months
  • hardly any rest through sleep
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Visual disturbances
  • Sore throat, muscle, joint or headache
  • increased body temperature, which is not yet a fever
  • swollen lymph nodes
  • depressive moods
  • for self-test

    Fatigue syndrome is now considered an independent disease that manifests itself in various complaints. Use the self-test to see if you could be affected

The causes for fatigue syndrome are currently still relatively unclear. Immune defects, infections, hormonal disorders, psychosomatic disorders and poisoning are discussed. Because you don't know the exact causes, fatigue syndrome can only treated symptomatically will. The experts have not yet agreed on suitable methods. Physiotherapy or behavior therapy are sometimes recommended, but are controversial as to their effectiveness in fatigue syndrome. Therapy can therefore only be tailored to the individual.

Fatigue as a symptom is against it frequent companion of chronic diseases, but is also caused by cancer and its therapy.

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Fatigue as a symptom

Fatigue is often linked to a general Exhaustion symptoms used, for example in severe chronic heart and lung diseases or in other diseases such as:

In Germany, fatigue is also used as a generic term for symptoms of a Cancer used. The term is therefore used by German medical professionals predominantly in oncology and palliative medicine for cancer patients. This condition is referred to as cancer fatigue in the English-language specialist literature.

Fatigue in cancer

About half of all cancer patients experience stressful fatigue during or after their illness, which significantly affects their daily routine. The causes of fatigue in cancer are very diverse and not all are known in detail yet. Different models are discussed.

According to the most common, the so-called biophysiological model, many mechanisms interlock. These include:

  • the cancer itself
  • Changes in energy metabolism
  • Nerve transmission disorders
  • Sleep-wake rhythm
  • Oxygen supply
  • Environment of the patient

Other individual factors also play a role. Coping with stress and illness also has an important impact on how severely affected by exhaustion.

Another important factor is that Cancer therapy. Certain medications used in chemotherapy or immunotherapy can be associated with fatigue. The same applies to some accompanying medications such as painkillers or preparations for nausea and vomiting. After surgery, blood loss, disturbances in the water and salt balance and an accelerated depletion of energy reserves contribute to chronic exhaustion. With radiation therapy, the extent of fatigue usually depends on the size of the irradiated area of ​​the body.

Since there are a number of treatment options, cancer patients suffering from fatigue should address the problem to theirs In any case, contact the attending doctorso that it can react.

Ways of treating fatigue

For the treatment of the fatigue symptom, it is important to rule out possible causes of exhaustion such as anemia, iron deficiency, infections or electrolyte disturbances. In addition, the doctor will pay attention to potential relationships in the medical history (anamnesis) and the current drug and non-drug therapy.

With these symptoms to the doctor!

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If the doctor finds a possible cause, an attempt is made to remedy it. For example, if the patient takes a drug that triggers fatigue as a side effect, the change in therapy helps. If anemia is considered the cause, transfusion with erythrocyte concentrates can contribute to better oxygenation and thus to a reduction in symptoms.

An alternative is the administration of the growth factor erythropoietin, which stimulates the body's own production of red blood cells (erythrocytes). However, according to the results of various studies, treatment is controversial because, among other things, the rate of complications from blood clots may increase, so that it is only recommended under certain conditions.

Fighting Fatigue: What Can People Do?

Affected should do not take excessive care. Because lack of exercise has several negative effects on performance, for example a decrease in muscle mass and the performance of the cardiovascular system, which reduces the overall condition. Endurance sports such as jogging, cycling, swimming or rowing are best suited to get a grip on fatigue. Walking or fast walking also increase performance. The training should be started in consultation with the doctor. What type of sleep are you?

It is also helpful to use the To consciously shape the daily routineTo set priorities and avoid overloading. A balanced nutrition provides energy, sufficient hydration prevents deficiency symptoms. Those who suffer from sleep disorders in addition to fatigue should regular sleep times adhere and sleep a maximum of one hour during the day. Refueling with daylight makes you more awake during the day, but makes you sleep better at night. In more severe cases, the doctor may prescribe a sleeping pill. If you have trouble sleeping through, other medications such as antidepressants or psychostimulants can also be helpful.

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