Faustine Nogherotto ("Star Academy"): why she had recourse to euthanasia at 31? : Current Woman The MAG

After ten years of fighting disease, Faustine Nogherotto passed away at the age of 31. A sad news announced by relatives the young woman known for her participation in the star Academy and Do not forget the lyrics. Affected by Gougerot-Sjögren syndrome and myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME), the pretty blonde confided in Nagui about her troubles that are difficult to live with on a daily basis. "I am there, but others are in their beds, can not move any more, nor to eat properly. Me, I am lucky to have my mom who is there and who helps me for 6 years, and to have a morale of steel. I am here and I will get better and better! ", had she explained the set of the musical show of France 2. Almost a month after her death, Chantal Somm, founder of the Millions Missing France association (which helps patients and fights for myalgic encephalomyelitis to be considered), revealed to TV Magazine that the singer decided to end her suffering through euthanasia.

"His request for assisted suicide had been assembled for two years and it is the worsening of his condition in recent months that allowed his acceptance into this aid program ", can we read. Explaining that Faustine was "fell into severe condition in 2016 ", like many other patients "his medical follow-up was not good". "Faustine clearly suffered from the difficulty in making her illness understood. In hospitals, those who suffer from ME are diagnosed with psychological illnesses, functional somatic disorders or even anorexia nervosa. It is very complicated to get a hold. in correct charge ", underlined Chantal Somm who was in regular contact with the young woman and her mother.

Faustine Nogherotto "suffered martyrdom"

Faced with the development of autoimmune diseases due to ME and "increased risk of developing cancer, stroke and cardiovascular problems", Faustine thought of suicide as "all people with ME in severe condition." "These requests for assisted suicide are therefore very frequent, but patients are not accepted in Switzerland or in Belgium because ME, in itself, is not fatal (…). Many ME patients in come to end their life on their own in the greatest discretion ", explained the founder of the association Millions Missing France to our colleagues.

She then revealed that Faustina "suffered martyrdom" and "was on morphine at the end". An interview she concluded with: "For Faustine, we are going to try to get in touch with Nagui and Nikos Aliagas to set up this show project that she dreamed of so much to support this cause". As a reminder, during its passage through Do not forget the lyrics, Faustina had offered Nagui to put on a show to raise funds against the EM. Upon news of his death, the host promised on Twitter: "We will work on it ".

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