Fifth wheel on the car? That's why I like it

Since she was 14, our author has been the fifth wheel on the car and therefore an expert. But no pity – it is even really great and she thinks the term should finally be redefined.

When I was 14 my best school friend came together with her boyfriend. Little spoiler: They got married this year – eleven years later. That means that I was the fifth wheel on the car all too often in my youth – and I really enjoyed it. In addition, my best friend and her husband were of course not the only couple during this time whose dates I was allowed to crash regularly with my presence. As a former long-term single with many forgiven friends, I have come across this situation all too often. In short: I am an expert in being the fifth wheel on the car.

If you google "the fifth wheel on the car", the following definition comes up: "The phrase stands for 'superfluous, just be tolerated' and refers to the fact that a car with four wheels is already sufficiently equipped." To put it bluntly, the fifth wheel is something unnecessary. A spare wheel that is only used when it has banged. An emergency solution that you hardly ever need, but have it with you. Unnecessary ballast. Ouch!

Why we have to redefine the term

It's a mystery to me why the term has such a negative connotation. After all, all good things come in threes. Three angels for Charlie, three scoops of ice cream on the waffle, tequila shot, lemon and salt … And let's face it, we, the fifth wheels, are actually doing something good for the couples. Most like to spend time with others. When two people hang out all day long anyway and there is not much to tell, the fifth wheel on the car brings a little fresh wind and new input to the whole.

It is also not true that couples always want to do something with other couples. Solos are equally welcome. Because they usually have exciting stories and the latest gossip to tell from the world of singles. At least I've always had good experiences with couples. I was taken away because I actually get on well with them and we have fun together. My in love, engaged, married friends never made me feel like I was not welcome. And also: Why should a friendship diverge just because the best friend has found a new partner. The fifth wheel on the car is a great construct for wonderfully balancing friendship and relationships.

No pity

You don't have to feel sorry for us fifth wheels. Of course sometimes it hurts not to have someone to share the dessert with. But it does that without the couple on the other side of the table. So you don't have to couple us. Because let's face it, has it ever worked?

I'm happy to be the fifth wheel on the car. It's a bike you can always rely on. A bike that supports and sometimes saves the situation. And I'm going to submit this new definition to Google.