Fighting silverfish: This is how grandma’s honey trick helps

Silverfish in the apartment
With grandma’s honey trick you can finally get rid of them

Silverfish can be quite annoying. We show you how to fight them in the video.

They are one of the rather unpleasant roommates: silverfish. The little shimmering silver animals are more difficult to get rid of than some people would like. Grandma’s trick in the video might help.

Silverfish are one of those animals that leave many people with a question mark. Even though initial measures have been taken, such as adequate ventilation, sometimes they just don’t seem to want to go away. But as complicated as the situation may be, the solution also seems simple.

Grandma’s honey trick helps against silverfish

Sometimes it doesn’t have to be the most complicated solution. A remedy that almost everyone can find in their home has now become the ultimate silverfish fighter. You can find out how the trick works in the video.

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