Firm upper arms: 5 great and easy exercises

Tight upper arms
Bye bye wave arms!! With these exercises you train your arms

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Are you also annoyed by sagging upper arms? These five simple exercises will help you define your arms – and you can easily do them at home!

Many women struggle with so-called wave arms, where the skin tends to hang down slackly. The reason: on the one hand the general weight, on the other hand the skin quickly loses elasticity over time, especially on the arms. Luckily nobody has to settle for it if they don’t want to – There are simple exercises that women can use to get taut upper arms. And you can do that easily from home!

Five easy exercises for tight upper arms

These tips will turn your upper arms into real eye-catchers:

1. Arm and leg raise

With this simple exercise you not only train your arms, but also your legs and back. To do this, get on all fours and then stretch out one arm and one leg in opposite directions – for example the left arm and the right leg. Keeping your back straight, hold the pose for about five seconds, breathing deeply in and out. Then the side is changed.

2. Crescent rotation

The so-called half-moon rotation focuses on the shoulders, biceps and triceps. Stand up straight with your legs slightly apart and stretch your arms out to your sides. Rotate your hands so that your thumbs point toward the ceiling first and then rotate your arms until your thumbs are pointing straight ahead. Do the rotation 30 times, making sure your arms stay really straight.

3. Lateral lifting plank

If you not only want to do something for your arms, but also for your shoulders and back, the side plank raise is just the right exercise for you. To do this, start with a side plank: Lie flat on your side, then use your elbows and feet to prop yourself up to lift your body off the floor in a straight line. Then stretch the other arm up into the air. Advanced users can also hold a weight like a small dumbbell with the outstretched arm.

4. Overhead tricep raise

This exercise really works! Stand upright with your legs slightly apart and a small dumbbell in each hand. Then extend one arm straight over your head, bend it behind your head, and then extend it back up. Support the arm with the hand on the other side to keep it straight. Make sure your muscles are tight at all times and that you are not hunching your shoulders. As your arms get stronger, you should use more weight in the exercise.

5. Ball push-ups

Finally, a great advanced exercise for the upper body! Plank first – that is, lie on your stomach and push yourself off the floor with your toes and forearms. Place one hand on a ball and place the other against the floor. Then go a little lower and come back up – so in a kind of odd push-ups. Try a total of five push-ups per side.


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