Fitness: This is what happens when you do this kid’s exercise every day

This is what happens when you do this kids exercise every day

© Allistair F/ / Adobe Stock

When was the last time you did a jumping jack? As a child? Then you’re probably like most people. Jumping jacks have many benefits for our health – from which we can also benefit as adults.

Most of us know the jumping jack from physical education. Or they didn’t do the children’s exercise at school, but did it while playing and romping. But even as adults, we should do jumping jacks or star jumps, as they are also called, much more often. Because they are a very effective whole-body exercise that train both our muscles and our endurance. A plea for more jumping jacks in everyday life.

Effective Children’s Exercise: The Benefits of Jumping Jacks

1. You train legs and hips

Jumping jacks activate our entire body. Our hamstrings, glutes, and hip flexors benefit the most. The shoulders and core also have to work, but not nearly as much as the legs and hips. Jumping jacks, practiced regularly, can also help to prevent and alleviate back pain. Tensed and shortened hip muscles cause problems in the back just as often as tension in the shoulders.

2. You train your coordination

In order to successfully perform jumping jacks, we also need a certain level of coordination. Because the combination of movements of the legs, feet and arms requires concentration. With this children’s exercise, we train not only our body, but also our brain.

3. You strengthen your heart

Jumping jacks are an endurance exercise that also affects our heart. It can lower blood pressure and thus reduce our risk of cardiovascular diseases – including heart attacks.

Jumping Jacks Fitness Exercise: This is what happens when you do this kids exercise every day

How to properly practice jumping jacks.

© lioputra / Adobe Stock

4. You ensure healthy bones

In addition to jumping jacks, exercises such as burpees or squat jumps are also part of plyometric training. We stretch and contract the muscles in quick succession. These exercises have many Benefits for our health – an important one is the increase in our bone density. Among other things, exercises like jumping jacks help to protect us from diseases such as osteoporosis.

5. You support a healthy weight

When we exercise, our body burns energy. This is especially true for endurance sports and exercises. With jumping jacks we burn around 19 calories in two minutes and around 94 calories in ten minutes. By incorporating children’s exercise into our fitness routine on a regular basis, preferably daily, we can help to achieve and maintain a healthy weight over the long term.

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