Fitness: We should do this exercise every day from the age of 40

We should do this exercise every day from the age of 40

© Drobot Dean / Adobe Stock

Sport is essential at any age to stay healthy in the long term. But the older we get, the more important exercise becomes for our well-being. One type of exercise in particular brings special benefits.

Regular workouts keep us flexible, can contribute to a healthy metabolism, help keep us mentally fit and healthy, and strengthen our immune system. In short: those who exercise enough have a higher chance of living a long, healthy life. When we are young, especially as children, we are usually much more active than later; we automatically play, run around and move around all the time. The older we get, the more consciously we have to incorporate our sports sessions into everyday life.

The older we get, the more important sport becomes

Especially after 40, sufficient exercise becomes even more important for our health. As a rule, we are in the peak phase of our working life, perhaps have a stressful job, perhaps also have a family to look after. And what should not be underestimated for women is that from this age onwards we are increasingly moving towards menopause. Even though for most women menopause and its most intense symptoms only begin around the age of 50, the slow change in the hormonal balance begins much earlier.

The risk of joint problems, high blood pressure and weight gain increases during this phase of life. That’s why it’s now even more important that we pay attention to a healthy diet and enough exercise.

Isometric exercises like the plank protect against high blood pressure

One type of fitness exercise is particularly effective at protecting us from cardiovascular disease and other potential health problems: isometric exercises. These are static exercises that are held for a long time, such as the plank, the bridge (glute bridge) or squats on the wall (wall squats). One Meta-analysis of a total of 270 studies even showed that isometric exercises can protect against high blood pressure.

That’s why a simple exercise like the plank can be so effective – especially if we practice it every day. Above all, it strengthens the core, i.e. the middle of the body, consisting of the abdominal muscles and the muscles of the lower back. Regular practice of the plank also protects against back pain. But the muscles in the pelvis, hips, shoulders and legs also have to work.

Anyone who performs the plank correctly will be rewarded with a strong back, good posture and healthy blood pressure.

© lioputra / Adobe Stock

This makes the plank one of the most effective fitness exercises of all. Women over 40 who incorporate the board into their daily exercise routine protect their heart health and blood pressure, work on a strong core, improve their posture and prevent back pain.

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