Flavio Briatore: Covid-19 was less bad for him than pneumonia

Flavio Briatore survived Covid-19 well. In a video he explains how little the infection was for him personally.

The former Formula 1 manager Flavio Briatore (70) was apparently lucky: After his corona infection was discovered by chance during a hospital stay, the disease took a mild course. Briatore has now provided detailed information on this in an Instagram video. He also warned of hysteria in dealing with Covid-19. "I was sick for maybe two days, but overall it was much less bad than pneumonia," said the Italian.

After a few days in the San Raffaele clinic in Milan, he recovered quickly and completely. At the same time, he warned against trivializing the disease. He just wanted to tell what happened to him personally. Nevertheless, one should pay less attention to the number of infections, which only stirs up panic: "We have to stimulate the economy again and talk about real problems that this virus has created," said Briatore. In his opinion, these include poverty and unemployment.

Briatore was originally hospitalized for an inflammation of the prostate. Previously, more than 60 employees had tested positive for the SARS-CoV-2 virus in his "Billionaire Club" nightclub on the island of Sardinia. Presumably he infected himself there too.
