Fold bills to the heart – simple instructions

Fold bills to the heart
Nice gift idea for every occasion

© Samuel Warner / Shutterstock

Folding banknotes to the heart is very easy. We’ll show you how to do it in six easy steps.

Origami is particularly popular when it comes to gifts of money. It gives a money gift for a wedding or other occasion a creative and original touch. The art of folding paper is of course not only suitable for banknotes. The small works of art also provide highlights for handicrafts, decorating gifts or greeting cards as well as decoration in the apartment. Whether for a wedding, confirmation or birthday: a heart always fits! We’ll show you how to fold it in six easy steps.

Fold banknote – heart

Step 1

Fold bills to the heart: ten euro notes

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Put the bill you want straight in front of you.

step 2

Fold banknotes to the heart: ten euro note folded lengthways

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Fold it lengthways and in the middle.

step 3

Fold banknotes to the heart: ten euro note folded in half

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Now fold the bill again in the middle and vertically.

Step 4

Fold banknotes to the heart: Folded ten euro notes

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In the next step, dissolve the vertical fold again and fold the side up.

Step 5

The other side as well.

Fold bills to the heart: ten euro bill folded in half

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Step 6

Fold money into a heart: origami heart

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Then turn the almost finished heart over and fold the upper edges inwards in the middle. If you want, you can leave the tips like this or fold them back as well.

Fold money into a heart: origami heart

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Tip: If the bill simply does not want to stay in shape due to a lot of previous kinking, secure it at the back with a small transparent adhesive strip!

Gift ideas with origami heart

There are many possible uses: You can use adhesive strips to stick the money heart in a greeting card or one or more in a frame. It is also nice to attach origami hearts to a thread picture – which perhaps also represents a heart itself ?! The folded notes can also be placed in a small treasure chest (with other thematically matching objects).

You can find more ideas on how to wrap gifts of money, make gift bags or make a wedding present here.

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