For humanitarian purposes: EU calls for ceasefires in Gaza

For humanitarian purposes
EU calls for ceasefire in Gaza

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The question of how the European Union should respond to Israel’s actions in the Gaza Strip is causing disputes among member states. Now they agree on a compromise. Meanwhile, the USA is also proposing temporary ceasefires.

The EU states are calling for ceasefires and protected corridors for safe aid deliveries to the Gaza Strip. The deteriorating humanitarian situation in Gaza is of grave concern, according to a summit declaration by the heads of state and government adopted in Brussels. In the conflict between the Islamist Hamas and Israel, we call for continuous, rapid, safe and unhindered access for aid deliveries.

Necessary measures also included “humanitarian corridors and breaks for humanitarian purposes.” The European Union will work closely with partners in the region to protect civilians, provide assistance and facilitate access to food, water, medical care, fuel and shelter, the statement added. The aim is to ensure that this aid is not misused by terrorist organizations.

Days of dispute in the EU

There has been a heated dispute in the EU in recent days over demands for an immediate humanitarian ceasefire for the Gaza Strip. Countries such as Germany and Austria spoke out against the EU publicly joining such calls. They argued that such a move was inappropriate given the Islamist Hamas’ ongoing terror. Countries such as Spain and Ireland, on the other hand, supported such a call because of the many civilian casualties in Israeli attacks on targets in the Gaza Strip.

The use of words such as “humanitarian corridors” and “breaks” in the plural in the statement is a compromise and is intended to make it clear that the EU is not calling on Israel to stop fighting Hamas with immediate effect. Countries like Germany definitely want to avoid this impression.

Regarding the atrocities committed by the Palestinian organization Hamas, the statement said that the European Council strongly condemns Hamas and its brutal and indiscriminate attacks throughout Israel. The use of civilians as human shields is a particularly deplorable cruelty. We strongly emphasize Israel’s right to defend itself in accordance with international law and humanitarian law. The EU states also assured that they would support efforts for an international peace conference.

US calls for humanitarian ceasefire

Meanwhile, the US government also spoke out in favor of considering a limited humanitarian ceasefire in the Gaza war. “These are localized, time-limited, specific pauses on the battlefield to allow humanitarian assistance to get to those in need or to allow people to leave the area in relative safety,” said National Security Council Communications Director John Kirby.

It is believed that such a humanitarian pause is a valuable idea that should be pursued. It could last hours or days, Kirby said. He did not speak of a humanitarian ceasefire. This is required by the United Nations, for example, and is more extensive. Israel has so far rejected such demands in the war against the Islamist Hamas, which rules in the Gaza Strip.

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