Guest of Europe morning this Friday, the former minister and now adviser to Valérie Pécresse sharply criticized the candidacy of the far-right polemicist. He also explained that the right-wing alliance between Les Républicains and parties located more to the right on the political spectrum was a “danger”.
Jean-François Copé, the mayor of Meaux and special adviser to Valérie Pécresse in the presidential race was the guest of Europe 1 this Friday morning. The ex-minister categorically rejected a possible alliance on the right, which he said would be a real “danger”.
“His subject is the designation of the scapegoat”
“It never works the alliance of a government party with an extremist party since we do not have the same springs or the same fundamentals”, explained the former president of the UMP, who also reprimanded Eric Zemmour : “What do we have to say to an Eric Zemmour, unable to make a concrete proposal? I had a debate in front of him. You realize that this is not his subject. His subject, it is the old antiphon of the designation of the scapegoat”.
“The basic subject is to have at the head of our country from April a government and a President of the Republic who is capable of holding this country”, added the adviser to Valérie Pécresse.
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