France chooses Boehringer Ingelheim and Ceva for the 2nd wave of avian flu vaccines

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PARIS (Reuters) – German laboratories Boehringer Ingelheim and French Ceva Santé Animale have been chosen by France to supply the second series of avian flu vaccines in France, the companies told Reuters on Friday.

The vaccination campaign, which began last fall, made France the first country in the European Union to vaccinate poultry against this deadly virus which has led to the death of tens of millions of poultry in the country in recent years. last years.

Boehringer Ingelheim will supply 34.2 million doses under this second tender, which is for 61 million doses, the company said. Deliveries are expected to begin in April.

(Report by Sybille de La Hamaide, French version by Kate Entringer, edited by Sophie Louet)


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