Gardening: A Real Calorie Killer |

Off to the bed!
That’s how many calories you burn gardening

© iMarzi / Shutterstock

Spring is finally here! And it’s best to spend it in our garden: because gardening is not only healthy, we also burn calories with it!

As soon as it gets a little warmer outside and the sun is shining from the sky day after day, it’s time to put on your gloves and whip up the garden. This not only gives us a beautiful, well-kept environment with grass and flowers in which we can feel very comfortable – gardening is also very healthy and a real calorie killer!

Fit thanks to your own garden

In fact, gardening can keep up with some light endurance sports when it comes to burning calories:

  • Mowing the lawn for an hour consumes around 350 calories,
  • by watering about 100 calories for an hour
  • and by an hour of weeding or planting seedlings about 290 calories.

For comparison: If you jog for about half an hour, you lose about 300 to 400 calories. But we have to go to the garden anyway – so you can skip the jogging round afterwards with a clear conscience ?

Even more good reasons for gardening

But it’s not just our figure that benefits from doing gardening regularly: After just 20 minutes of gardening, stress hormones are broken down by the body and happiness hormones are released instead. Research also suggests that tinkering around the garden for around half an hour five days a week can lower blood pressure. Exercising in the fresh air also strengthens the cardiovascular system and the immune system.

Please think of your back!

Especially when you are new to gardening, you shouldn’t overdo it: It’s better to start slowly and warm up with a few stretching exercises, for example. In addition, the back and joints want to be protected – that’s why If possible, do not bend over or work on your knees all the time. Divisions with height-adjustable handles, for example, help here. When lifting up, make sure to always get up from your legs and not from your back. And an extra tip: If you work in the sun, you should always wear a hat and wear light, air-permeable clothing, for example made of linen.
