Good news for inheritance tax, taxes too high… The 3 money news of the day

Simplified procedure for heirs who must pay inheritance tax, taxes paid too high according to the French… Here are the 3 money news of the day.

The most read article of the day: good news for the payment of inheritance tax

When a loved one dies, paying inheritance tax can be a source of difficulty for the heir. Indeed, the costs that must be paid to the Public Treasury can sometimes be significant, especially since the deadline is 6 months after the death.

Good news for heirs in difficulty, a new decree clarifies the procedure to follow to benefit from payment facilities from February 1st.

Inheritance: what changes for the payment of inheritance tax from February 1

Study of the day: The French consider that they pay too much tax

According to a survey published this Tuesday by the Council for Compulsory Deductions (CPO), a large majority of French people consider that they pay too much tax and social security contributions. However, they are not in favor of reducing these levies. Find out the details of this study in this article.

Income tax: here is the amount you will pay to the tax authorities in 2024

Today’s announcements: DPE, MaPrimeRenov’… Attal’s announcements on housing

Grand oral for the new Prime Minister Gabriel Attal. Concerning housing, a subject on which it was eagerly awaited by all the professionals concerned, the tenant of Matignon is particularly planning a shock of offers to unlock this sector in deep crisis, in particular by reviewing the energy performance diagnosis (DPE) and by simplifying access to MaPrimeRnov’.

DPE, MaPrimeRnov, zoning… Housing announcements from Prime Minister Gabriel Attal

In the rest of his presentation, Gabriel Attal announced several measures like a reform on low wages in order to de-emcardise France. He also planned the generalization of the conditioning of the RSA to 15 hours of activity by January 1, 2025. Among the other measures which will have an impact on the household budget, he said he was in favor of the patient paying for his consultation when he does not go to the doctor as planned.

Taxes, electricity bill, medical franchise… Macron’s 4 announcements for your budget

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