Government could fuel boom: hurdles for mini solar systems should be removed

Government could fuel boom
Obstacles for mini solar systems should be removed

Balcony power plants have become increasingly popular in recent months. But for consumers there are still hurdles such as the landlord’s consent, registration with the authorities or the performance limit. The federal government now wants to do all of this.

The federal government wants to make it much easier to connect a mini solar system, for example on the balcony or on the house facade. A draft bill available to the AFP news agency provides for the inclusion of such systems in the catalog of privileged measures. This means that apartment owners and tenants are entitled to approval for the operation of their system. Currently, the operation of mini solar systems still depends on the consent of the landlord or owner.

The Ministry of Economic Affairs is also committed to ensuring that a Schuko plug will suffice in the future, as a spokeswoman said. The ministry also wants balcony solar systems to be reported “as easily as possible” – so far, registration with the Federal Network Agency and the local power grid operator has been necessary. The power limit is also to be raised from 600 to 800 watts. The ministry suggested this in the relevant standardization committees.

The small solar systems are very popular, the purchase is subsidized in many cities or federal states. They lower the electricity bill and contribute to climate protection. Consumer advocates and at the end of March also the energy ministers of the federal states have already called for simplifications in the installation of the systems.

In the last few months, the prices for balcony solar systems have fallen and sales figures have risen significantly. In principle, these can be set up after purchase and connected to the domestic power grid via a socket. Depending on the weather, the system then produces electricity and consumers accordingly have to purchase less from their utility. The prerequisite for this is an electricity meter with a backstop. This prevents the electricity generated by the balcony solar system from being recorded by the meter.

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