Grazer Kunsthaus – Two new exhibitions and a packed festival program

For the Grazer Kunsthaus’s 20th birthday, director Andreja Hribernik is showing two exhibitions that reinterpret ideas from yesterday. The anniversary will also be celebrated until Sunday with a packed program including performances, guided tours and a party.

The first solo exhibition in the new art house in 2004 was dedicated to the American conceptual artist Sol LeWitt. He had given the house an idea that manifested itself in the form of a huge curved wall. Kunsthaus boss Andreja Hribernik is using the anniversary as an opportunity to rethink this work by Sol LeWitt. Space01 is currently empty, only some of the correspondence and a video of John Baldessari singing about the wall can be seen. The legendary work of art will only be rebuilt after 20 years on Monday. Until then, they want to use the space for the birthday performances.Visions and disillusionsContinuing to think about ideas, developing utopias and experiencing disillusions is also behind the first group show “The Other” conceived by Hribernik. “Re-Imagine the Future” at Space02. For the visually appealing, clearly structured and cleverly conceived exhibition, the Kunsthaus boss has won illustrious names who deal with the concept of the “other” as a foreign, separating element. Bouchra Khalili, for example, questions the international one in her video “The Tempest Society”. Solidarity, Jasmina Cibic in her “Gallery of Non-Aligned” cultural identity by putting artistic state gifts up for discussion. The Société Réaliste transforms international flags into camouflage cloths, but retains the country’s typical colors. Olafur Eliasson sets a more positive direction with his “Navigation star for utopia”. And Kader Attia and Helene Thümmel also explore belonging rather than exclusion. But until Sunday there will be a proper celebration. Today from 7 p.m. with a ceremony, a choir performance, a sound intervention and a big party, tomorrow there will be artist tours and a diverse evening – curated by the author Abdelaziz Baraka Sakin. Performances by Jasmina Cibic are planned on Friday and Saturday.
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