Hair video: 5 types of split ends, and what you can do about them

Tips against split ends
5 types of split ends and what you can do about them

You don’t have to fight frayed ends of your hair with scissors – there is another way.


Split ends are really annoying – but luckily there are a few good tips you can use to avoid and eliminate the frayed ends of your hair. See for yourself!

Frayed ends of your hair can drive you crazy – and most of the time, all you need to do is reach for scissors to get the situation under control again. But that doesn’t have to be the case: In this RTL interview, a hairdresser explains which types of split ends there are and how you can best act against them.

Types of split ends at a glance: from “candle” to “tree”

In fact, split ends are not just split ends: Your hair ends can have five different types of split ends. What you can do about it depends entirely on which type you have, because a “candle” needs different care than a “knot” In the video you can see the best tips and strategies at a glance!

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