Hearthstone: the best Standard decks | Sunken City

The Hearthstone expansion Heart of the Sunken City has just arrived! Discover 5 decks exploiting the new cards to climb the ladder in standard mode.

As with every new expansion arrival, it’s time for Hearthstone players of all stripes to discover the new mechanics, new cards and new decks that will punctuate the meta for the next few months.

As always, don’t expect the best decks to be spotted right away. Over the weeks, the meta will stabilize and we can begin to see which archetypes will dominate the Hearthstone ecosystem during this expansion In the heart of the sunken city.

Nevertheless, some decks already stand out from the pack! Discover without delay 5 decks particularly effective in standard mode at the start of the expansion, and the codes that will allow you to build them and take full advantage of them.

The best Heart of the Sunken City decks

  1. Shaman Burn
  2. Mecha Mage
  3. Druid Ramp
  4. Pirate Thief
  5. Token Demon Hunter

1 – Burn Shaman Deck

With the arrival of the year of the Hydra, the shaman has lost many key cards from his burst archetype. However, the Sunken City immediately replaced them with new, extremely powerful tools, including Boiling Geyser, Teacher, but above all Bioluminescence, which is the key card for this new Shaman Burn.

Thus, this new version of the deck focuses on taking the board at the start of the game. Depending on the match ups, you can use your damage spells to control terrain or save them for a huge round of burst thanks to Bioluminescence. To top it all off, the Freeze pack is included with Snowfall Guardian and Brilliant Ara, which are still just as effective at temporizing attacks.

The result is a surprisingly versatile deck, capable of performing real wonders!

deck list

2x lightning bolt
2x Boiling Geyser
2x Iron Chasm Trogg
2x Freezing Wind
1x Bolner Bec-de-Corbin
2x Sleet Smasher
2x Frostbite
2x Maelstrom Portal
2x Shiny Macaw
2x Bioluminescence
1x Brann Bronzebeard
1x Radiance of Azshara
2x Madpaw Cave
2x Teacher
2x Versatile Spellcaster
2x Snowfall Guardian
1x Elemental Bru’kan

Shaman Burn Deck Code


2 – Mecha Mage Deck

Hearthstone Mecha Mage Deck

In 2014, the Goblins & Gnomes expansion was released, which brought its share of mechanical creatures to Hearthstone and created the famous Mecha Mage archetype. 8 years later, this deck signs its big comeback with new very powerful cards allowing the mage to swap spells for robotic companions.

The Mecha Mage deck is, as its name suggests, made up of a huge part of Mecha creatures that interact with each other for a staggering board grip. The Security Automaton, the Mecha-Shark and the Deep Sea Gate are among the key cards in the deck and allow you to put monstrous pressure on the opponent from the very first turns of the game.

If this deck has few possibilities to come back in a badly started game, it is capable of ultra aggressive outings.

deck list

2x Claw-o-tron
2x Deep Engineer
2x Bored-o-tron
2x Safety PLC
2x Pitwalker
2x Amalgam of the Deep
2x Deep Sea Gate
2x Watercraft Operator
2x Azshara Cleaner
2x Mecha-shark
2x Gorillobot A-3
1x Evocator of the Deep
1x Ini Waterslide
2x Mothership
1x Balinda Gitestone
1x Gaia, the tech-tonic
2x Drakefire Amulet

Mecha Mage deck code


3 – Ramp Druid Deck

Hearthstone druid ramp deck

Each Hearthstone expansion has its version of Druid Ramp! And while the class has lost many of its valuable speed-up tools, it’s far from out of the game thanks to powerful additions.

As always, the goal is to survive the early game while speeding up your mana curve. Against aggressive decks, holding back assaults will often be enough to win late game. Against more control-oriented decks, you will have to rely on the Oracle of Elune + Naga Giant combination or on the essential Kazakusan to overcome your opponent.

As always, this archetype struggles against hyper-aggressive decks. Nevertheless, the Druid has the tools to handle all types of situations, which makes this deck a safe bet.

deck list

2x Water Form
2x Innervation
2x Earth Scales
2x Drowsy Kelp Keeper
2x Doomsayer
2x Makeshift Carpenter
2x Anger
2x Moon Support
2x Wild Growth
1x Oracle of Elune
1x Wildheart Guff
2x Feed
2x Miraculous Growth
2x Onyxia Scale
1x Kazakusan
1x Onyxia Raid Boss
2x Naga Giant

Druid Ramp Deck Code


4 – Pirate Thief Deck

Hearthstone pirate thief deck

Hackers are always synonymous with aggression, and this all-new Rogue is no exception. With a very low curve, this deck has good board grip and excels at what the thief does best: generating value while maintaining aggression.

The Pirate Thief deck makes excellent use of the new Dredge mechanic, allowing you to refine your draw in order to always maintain an unsustainable pace. Finally, powerful legendaries like Crabatoa and the Pirate Admiral Double-Hook will deliver the final blow!

If you thought pirates were just for Warriors, this expansion will quickly prove you wrong.

deck list

2x Preparation
2x Miraculous Fishing
2x Rogue Rogue
2x SI:7 Extortion
2x Swordswoman
2x Blackwater Cutlass
2x Cruel Stab Rank 1
2x Rohart trawler
2x Fugu Fist
2x Cutlass Supplier
2x Swordfish
1x Edwin, Kingpin Defias
2x Azshara’s Ship
2x Submerged Crook
1x Mr. Smite
1x Crabatoa
1x Pirate Admiral Double-Hook

Pirate Rogue Deck Code


5 – Token Demon Hunter Deck

Hearthstone token demon hunter deck

If you can’t afford all these new Heart of the Sunken City maps, don’t panic: the Demon Hunter is coming to the rescue. Indeed, this deck costs less than 5,000 dust and has quite a few new cards.

This hyper-aggressive version of the Demon Hunter floods the board with a multitude of 1-crystal creatures and token summons. You can rely on your hero’s attacks coupled with effects like the Fugu Fist or Multistrike to deal with enemy threats while sending your swarm of minions in the head.

This ultra-aggressive deck wins as fast as it loses. The good news for Demon Hunter aficionados… is that he wins very often!

deck list

2x Ferocious Ripple
2x Dread Prison Glaive
2x Multistrike
2x Feast of Souls
2x Warmongering Demon
2x Wings of Hate Rank 1
2x Summoning Sigil
2x War-Worn Vanguard
2x Flag Thief
2x Fugu Fist
2x Wrathscale Naga
2x Coordinated Strike
2x Bypass Maneuver
1x Drek’Thar
2x Bone Glaive
1x Kurtrus, Demon Flayer

Token Demon Hunter Deck Code


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