Hemp Oil Effect: Legal Health Frenzy | BRIGITTE.de

hemp oil effect
Legal health rush

© kostrez / Shutterstock

The hemp plant has long been known and loved as a medicinal plant. You can find out here which hemp oil effect is possible and how you use the oil.

What actually is hemp oil?

Despite its medicinal properties, the cultivation of hemp was prohibited in Germany until 1996. The plant, officially called Cannabis sativa, originally comes from Asia and is now cultivated almost all over the world. Cannabis was initially used in medicine, for example for malaria or rheumatism. Gradually, the use of hemp expanded, for example in the food sector or in textile production. Today you can find it in many a kitchen, for example in the form of hemp oil.

Does hemp oil cause intoxication?

When cannabis is used for the production of marijuana or hashish, the high associated with hemp (particularly from the THC) can be triggered. The hemp oil produced from hemp seeds – this includes, for example, CBD oil – naturally contains no psychoactive substances and therefore not intoxicating.

Hemp oil effect: origin/production

Hemp oil is extracted from the seeds of the hemp plant. Gentle cold pressing creates the special aroma (nutty) and green color of hemp seed oil. Only around 30 percent of hemp seeds can be pressed into oil. 100 kilos of seeds therefore produce about 30 liters of oil.

What is the effect of hemp oil?

Hemp oil can work in the following ways:

  • inhibit inflammation
  • Lower blood pressure and cholesterol
  • prevent thrombosis
  • prevent dementia
  • strengthen the ability to concentrate
  • Alleviate symptoms of neurodermatitis and psoriasis (application on the skin).
  • Prevent and alleviate vascular diseases and cardiovascular problems
  • Prevent some cancers

Tips for the best hemp oil effect

For an optimal effect of the ingredients, you rely on cold-pressed organic oils in dark bottles. Light and oxygen destroy the fatty acids. You need that hemp oil not to be bought in large quantities in advance, as fatty acids do not keep indefinitely.

Application of hemp oil

Want to try hemp oil? You should note the following when using it:

  • You should never heat the oil so as not to deprive it of the active ingredients.
  • You can use it cold in salads or add it to your breakfast quark.
  • To use the positive effects of hemp oil, use two to three tablespoons daily. To do this, you can apply the oil sparingly to the skin instead of a skin cream. The oil has a creamy consistency that is not greasy.
  • Cannabis for hair? Yes, even a few drops of hemp oil on your hair can work wonders. The hemp provides the hair with moisture and gives the hair more volume.

CBD and Co.: Ingredients of hemp oil

Hemp oil consists of over 80 percent unsaturated fatty acids, including many polyunsaturated fatty acids. However, there are also some of the health-giving vitamins and minerals in hemp oil:

  • Vitamin B1, B2, E
  • potassium
  • manganese
  • phosphorus
  • sodium
  • copper
  • zinc

Hemp oil effect: nutritional values

These nutritional values ​​​​contains hemp oil:

  • Calories: 879 kcal (100 grams)
  • Carbohydrates: 0 grams
  • Protein: 0 grams
  • Fat: 100 grams
  • Saturated Fat: 11 grams
  • Unsaturated Fatty Acids: 89 grams

Hemp oil effect: That’s why it’s so healthy

The positive effect of hemp oil can be attributed, among other things, to the fact that hemp oil is very healthy. There are the following reasons for this:

  • fatty acids: Unsaturated fatty acids are essential for our body, which means we have to get them from food. The fact that hemp oil contains a good 80 percent of the unsaturated variant is not the only advantage. The ratio of omega-3 to omega-6 fatty acids is exactly 3 to 1 and therefore exactly the ratio recommended for our body.
  • Minerals: From calcium to magnesium to iron – hemp oil is full of micronutrients that take on important functions for our metabolism.

You are not enthusiastic about hemp oil, but about other oils? You can find out everything about the effect of black cumin oil, the Bach flower effect, CBD effect, MSM effect and the effect of linseed oil here.

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source Consumer center: Hemp seeds, hemp oil, hemp tea – what about safety?

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