here are 10 tips for sleeping well, according to the National Sleep Institute (100% effective against insomnia)

Is bedtime a source of anxiety for you? Sleep can become a real challenge on a daily basis. This is why we are detailing 10 tips for sleeping well, according to the National Sleep Institute. Bye bye repeated insomnia.

To have restful sleep, no longer being constantly tired, sleeping at least 7 hours a night, this is a wish for many French people. For what ? Because our lifestyle habits, screens, diet and work are increasingly detrimental to our rest hours, while it is essential for healthand that from a very young age.

But know that it is still possible to sleep like a log. Bedtime will no longer be a worry for you. The quality of your nights will be much more peaceful and you will benefit from all these advantages. Better health, less stress, optimized energy, this is what you will obtain thanks to simple rules of healthy living.

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Be kind to your body’s rhythm

It’s time for a big sleep. For this, the first rule to put in place is to respect your rhythm and your sleep needs. To this logic, the next advice is to not to fight against heavy eyelids or yawning, even if your evening movie is not finished. For this reason, maintain a rhythm of getting up and going to bed reasonable. For restful sleep, it is best to have the same schedules during the week and on weekends.

Then, the 4th indication is to expose yourself to the light of day, especially in the morning. This practice helps regulate your biological clock and guarantee a restful night. Then, for a body and mind that respect your sleep needs, do not consume stimulants after 2 p.m. Instead of tea, coffee, sodas or energy drinks, choose herbal teas.

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Add these habits to your daily life to sleep peacefully

Respecting your sleep needs is essential. But here are other elements to put in place to boost the quality of your nights. The 6th tip on this list is sport. Practicing physical activity will increase sleep pressure and ensure your body clock is functioning properly. However, do not exercise before going to bed. Therefore, prefer a light dinnerbut in sufficient quantities so as not to feel hungry at night.

To fall gently in Morpheus armsthe 8th advice of the institute is to choose the evening a calm activity. Why not drawing, relaxation, meditation or even reading? The idea is to relax after a day of work. This is associated with stopping screens 2 hours before bedtime. Their blue light disrupts your biological clock and excites you. Finally, the last recommendation is to you create a place dedicated to sleeping. It is important to be in darkness and silence with a temperature around 18 degrees. You can now sleep like a groundhog.

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