Here are the top 10 names most regretted by parents

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On Tiktok, a user specializing in first names revealed the list of the most regretted first names by parents.

Choosing the perfect first name for your future baby is a crucial step in pregnancy. Indeed, according to many experts, a first name could influence the character and the future of the child. This is why some parents then seek to stand out and choose a rare or even unusual first name.

However, after a few months, or sometimes even just after the baby is born, some parents regret the name they chose for their child. Although it may seem insane, it does exist. On Tiktok, a first name consultant, Stephanie Coffield, made a name for herself by giving valuable advice on choosing a baby’s first name. In a video posted recently, she revealed a startling list: the names most regretted by parents between 2017 and 2022.

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What are the most missed names?

The most modified first names following a regret on the part of the parents are “Issac” and “Chole”. If these first names don’t mean anything to you, it’s because they contain a spelling error. Indeed, the names originally chosen were Isaac and Chloe. His two errors were followed by first names Aiden, Conner, Elliot, Michael, James, Isabella, Sophia and David.

Following Stephanie’s revelations, her subscribers did not hesitate to react in comments, shocked to learn that the biggest regrets were linked to misspelled names. “Wait, the nurses didn’t check the spelling?” commented one user. “My nephew’s name was spelled Isaac instead of Isaac, we couldn’t tell if that was intentional or not”explained another.


Since May 2021, Pauline has joined the Aufeminin team. A journalism student, Pauline is currently on a work-study program and writes for the Aufeminin and Parole de Mamans websites. Curious and passionate, she…

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