Here is the ideal amount of almonds to eat each day (it’s good for your health)

Endowed with numerous nutritional properties, almonds really have it all. Their regular consumption is recommended by nutritionists but at what dose? Here is everything you need to know about these oilseeds!

Very easy to transport, almonds are delicious snacks rich in fiber and minerals. They improve digestion and put an end to all transit problems, including constipation. Thanks to their high concentration of omega 9, they also have a protective effect against cardiovascular diseases, unlike omega 6 (animal fats) which have the opposite effect. We can therefore only recommend almonds on a daily basis!

If at the time, our grandmothers had to shell almonds to eat them, Today it is easy to find ready-to-eat almond bags in stores.. So no more chore where you had to break the shell of each almond to be able to eat a small quantity. Aware of the success of almonds, traders have made our lives easier and it becomes very tempting to eat them every day, or even without limiting ourselves…

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Almonds yes but in reasonable quantities

The main advantage of almonds, so praised by nutritionists, is their appetite suppressant effect.. By eating it between meals, cravings disappear. They therefore have a useful role, whether in the role of a slimming diet or to maintain a balanced diet. The disadvantage is that small commercial sachets often contain a large quantity and you quickly finish the packet.

In reality, it is enough to ten almonds to achieve a feeling of satiety. Limiting yourself to ten almonds per day in the form of a snack is therefore recommended. You should therefore definitely not finish the entire bag. The reason ? Their caloric intake. These pretty almonds are indeed very rich in calories, contrary to what one might imagine. They are even more caloric than chocolate. So yes to almonds but in moderation…

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The risks in the event of overconsumption

Rest assured, apart from perhaps a slight slowdown in weight loss as part of your slimming diet, you risk nothing if you get into the habit of eating almonds throughout the day and without counting. They will never be toxic in high doses, and this is still good news for those who are completely addicted!

Be careful, however, it is better to eat them plain. If you opt for their salty, sweet or oil version, the calorie counter explodes and we then arrive at almonds which can be potentially harmful to your health due to all the additives.
If you want variety with almonds, incorporate them into a dish you are cooking or even yogurt.

News journalist

A true jack-of-all-trades, passionate about travel, culture, society, people and beauty, Saliha writes for various media such as Escapade magazine, the GEOguide collection by Gallimard, Le Figaro…

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