here is the type of yoga to favor if you want to lose a few pounds, according to a teacher

You want to lose weight, but you want to do it gently, have you thought about practicing yoga? Indeed, according to a yoga teacher, a particular type of practice would help refine the figure and eliminate those few extra pounds as summer approaches. We tell you everything!

We don’t usually think about it, but you should know that yoga can be an excellent daily slimming ally. If we do not see this sporting practice as a real lever when it comes to weight loss, certain types of yoga are nevertheless ideal for refining the figure. Yoga offers many benefits, in addition to working on breathing, it helps regulate stress and above all uses all the muscles of the body, making it a real physical activity in its own right.

With the arrival of sunny days, many French people want to find a slimmer silhouette to feel good on the beach this summer. This is also a niche that the IKEA brand has understood well since it has just released a complete range of low-cost sporting goods also including items for yoga. So if your goal is to lose those few extra pounds gained during the winter, no need to kill yourself by following draconian diets, we reveal to you this specific practice of yoga which will help you in the maneuver.

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Yoga: this slimming ally that we don’t think about

If some solutions for losing weight can be violent, others, gentler and less restrictive, also exist. For example, walking at least 30 minutes every day or practicing yoga are particularly effective exercises. While yoga isn’t going to be as effective as a heavy cardio or jogging session, that doesn’t mean it won’t help you refine certain parts of your body.

It is also in this context that a yoga teacher and trainer in the city of Bordeaux, Cyril Moreau, revealed to our colleagues at Current wife What is the yoga practice that makes you lose the most weight? Valuable advice that will be useful to many people wishing to lose weight. If he indicates that gentle yogas like Hatha are not particularly indicated since they mainly play on ” static postures”, others on the other hand have their role to play.

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These yoga practices that help you lose weight

Better to move towards Vinyasa or Ashtanga, dynamic yogas in which there is a slightly more intense cardio-training aspect. However, static does not mean soft, because physically, holding a posture can sometimes be more difficult than doing a series of fluid postures.» Explains the professional toCurrent wife. But be careful if you want to move towards Vinyasa for example, it warns about certain physical pathologies: “In case of joint pain or lower back problems, Vinyasa is not necessarily intended for everyone.“.

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The teacher indicates that he also has solutions for all those who do not like more dynamic yoga: “If a student does not like Vinyasa or cannot do this type of sequence, I can offer her Hatha yoga in which we will come and work on postures such as boat, planks, standing postures in which I’m going to come and integrate some slightly more fluid sequences to find this more cardio-training dimension“. So, all you have to do is take up yoga to succeed in refining your figure before finding your towel on the beach!

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