Here it all begins: will Benjamin Baroche (Teyssier) stay in the series? We finally have the official answer!

After a wave of successive departures in “Here everything begins”, what will be the future of Teyssier and his interpreter Benjamin Baroche in the series? The actor clarifies the situation…

Stop or again? This is the question that burns the lips of all viewers of Here it all begins with regard to the future of Benjamin Baroche within the soap opera … Like Pola Petrenko (Charlene), Fabian Wolfrom (Louis ) or even Nicolas Anselmo (Eliott), the interpreter of the ruthless Teyssier will he in turn leave the TF1 series?

Benjamin Baroche returns to ITC

In the columns of the Télé Poche magazine, the main interested party finally lifts the veil on this big question. He states thus: “I resigned for a year, until July 2024, in order to continue to bring to life the character of Teyssier, which is anchored to my body.“So relieved?

This choice to re-enlist will not prevent the actor from momentarily moving away from the film sets of Here it all begins over the next twelve months.

He continued with our colleagues: “I’m going to go back to the theater but also play soon in a film at the cinema so that doesn’t prevent me from participating in other projects. Quite the contrary.

But the most important thing is to bring this character of Teyssier to life and not to make it sink“, analyzes Benjamin Baroche. Moreover, to avoid this, he confides that he never anticipates his plans too much in relation to daily fiction: “I live day by day. I would even tend to say sequence by sequence. I absolutely do not want to project myself.”

Teyssier on the agenda this year

The actor intends in any case to continue to work in the same way as he has always done, hand in hand with the writers and the producers, with a single goal: “(…) to continue surprising fans with this character.”

And it must be said that this mission is once again accomplished when we observe the development of the intrigues around Teyssier in Here everything begins this return to school. Indeed, the director of the Auguste Armand Institute undergoes a flare-up of his illness, multiple sclerosis, and the only person taken into the confidence is none other than Anaïs (Julie Sassoust). A rapprochement that no one in the school escapes… To be continued.

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