Here’s why you should never wash your eggs before cooking them, according to this nutritionist

Washing eggs before eating them may seem like a completely harmless and risk-free procedure. However, according to nutritionist Raphaël Gruman, this innocuous act is likely to result in a risk of contamination of the food, as reported by the Top Santé website.

The egg is one of the foods very popular with the French. And for good reason, it is part of the list of foods known to be very rich in protein and can be consumed in a multitude of ways so that everyone can find a recipe to their liking. Whether hard, fried or soft-boiled, the egg delights the taste buds of many gourmets and can be consumed at different times of the day since it easily finds its place at the breakfast table, in addition of that of lunch and supper.

When eaten alone after being boiled, the egg makes an excellent appetite suppressant while being low in calories. It is also a good source of vitamins (A, B2, B5, B8, B12, D, E, K), trace elements and amino acids essential to our health. So many reasons that place the egg on the list of many diets, such as those aimed at losing weight. In these cases, several nutritionists advise favoring certain types of cooking – hard, soft-boiled, soft-boiled or poached – to promote weight loss.

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Avoid bacterial contamination

There are many reasons to put eggs on your supermarket shopping list. However, Eating an egg that has been mishandled may pose a risk of food poisoningas revealed by our colleagues on the site Top Health. Indeed, based on the statements of nutritionist Raphaël Gruman, author of The Gruman Method, Top Health warns consumers about a harmless practice that can be dangerous for their health.

According to the news site, eggs are one of the primary sources of bacterial food poisoning. However, and against all odds, it is important not to wash them before consuming them. “If you wash an egg, you remove this invisible membrane, and therefore you let bacteria in”explains nutritionist Raphaël Gruman. This transparent cuticle on the interior part of the shell acts as a protective film which prevents any bacteria from entering through the thousands of pores that make up the egg shell.

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It is better not to wash your eggs to prevent contamination with salmonella, for example. Likewise, the specialist advises against storing eggs in the fridge or freezer, at the risk of contaminating other foods. The egg can possibly be contaminated when leaving the hen. If bacteria is in the hen’s body, it can contaminate the egg. By putting this food in the refrigerator, you risk contaminating your other food products, and that’s a shame!”continues the nutritionist.

A journalist passionate about social issues and current affairs, Hugo puts his pen at the service of information. Interested in all themes, from the impact of artificial intelligence on…

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