Home Remedies For Constipation: 9 Great Tips

Home remedies for constipation
9 great tips

© Dariia Belkina / Shutterstock

Home remedies for constipation gently stimulate our sluggish digestion. With these tips you will quickly feel good again!

When do I have constipation?

Whether or not someone is constipated is a very individual question. Because the time span for normal bowel activity is quite long: Between three times a day and once every three days everything is normal. This is why constipation is also very difficult to define – it mainly depends on how long you still feel comfortable if you have not been able to go to the toilet for a long time. For some it starts to squeeze after a day, even on an empty stomach, for some it is only after three. Still others are spared unpleasant other symptoms such as gas and bloating, some not. Fortunately, home remedies for constipation can gently ease the discomfort.

Constipation: Typical Symptoms

These symptoms indicate constipation or a sluggish colon:

  • Lumpy, hard stool
  • The feeling of having to push hard
  • The bowel cannot be completely emptied

By the way: In addition to constipation, heavy pressing also promotes hemorrhoids.

What are the causes of constipation?

In many cases, one's own lifestyle is the cause of constipation and general constipation. The causes include, for example:

Constipation is also more common during pregnancy.

Home Remedies For Constipation: 9 Great Tips

After about three days you should try to stimulate the bowel so that it contracts (peristalsis) so that the stool can be excreted. You don't have to resort to a laxative right away – either Home remedies for constipation can help get your digestion going. You can safely test the following natural laxatives:

  1. Camomile tea: The chamomile is a small all-rounder! Its flowers relax the gastrointestinal tract, releasing cramps and constipation.
  2. Move: Movement gets the bowels going – walking or cycling three times a week for thirty minutes is often enough for a positive effect.
  3. Linseed: Flaxseed contains mucilage that swells up in the intestine when water binds. This increases the volume of stool, which increases pressure on the intestinal wall and combats constipation.
  4. Olive oil: To make the stool smoother, a tablespoon of high-quality olive oil (preferably cold-pressed) before or after eating helps. Linseed and castor oil have a similar effect.
  5. Abdominal massage: According to experts, a gentle massage of the abdominal wall stimulates nerve connections in the intestine and stimulates it in the event of constipation. It is best to massage gently with circular movements clockwise and breathe deeply in and out.
  6. Legumes: Hardly anything is as good for digestion as fiber! They stimulate the bowel movement and can not only relieve constipation, but also prevent it. Legumes such as peas, beans and lentils contain a particularly high amount of fiber.
  7. Meditation: Stress has been shown to burden the gastrointestinal tract. Conversely, this means that relaxation can help guide digestion back into order. Meditation and autogenic training are particularly effective.
  8. Water: Sounds like a simple tip, but it's still too often forgotten … You should drink at least two liters of water a day. If you're struggling with constipation, even better up to three. It's best to start the morning with a glass of lukewarm water on an empty stomach – this stimulates the so-called gastrocolic reflex, which has a positive effect on bowel movements.
  9. Caffeine: Caffeine stimulates metabolism and digestion. Anyone dealing with constipation should have at least one cup of coffee in the morning.

What about chemical laxatives?

Basically, you should first try to stimulate the bowel movements with natural helpers and the right diet and to combat constipation. If you can't go to the toilet for several days and suffer from a hard, bloated stomach, for example, you can also use laxatives. These usually ensure that fluid is bound in the stool and stimulate bowel movements. Since chemical laxatives can have side effects, they should only be used for a short period of time for constipation – preferably in consultation with the doctor.

Constipation in babies

Babies, too, often suffer from constipation – especially during the transition from breast milk to solid foods. The small patients are often too help to stimulate the bowel movements with a gentle stomach massage and so loosen the clog.

Prevent constipation – with these tricks

Even if home remedies for constipation help gently – It is even better if there is no constipation in the first place. Small changes in everyday life often help:

  • Exercise at least three times a week for 30 minutes each
  • drink at least two liters of water a day
  • eat a lot of fiber (for example in vegetables, whole grains, and legumes)

You can get even more tips in the article Stimulate digestion.

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Bachmann, S .; Längler, A .: Home remedies in modern medicine, Urban and Fischer, Munich 2005

Classen M. et al .: Internal Medicine, Urban & Fischer Verlag, 5th Edition, 2004

Hoek, T; Suda, D .: Safe home remedies for my child, 2nd edition, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2002

Grünwald, J .; Jänicke, C .: Green Pharmacy, Gräfe and Unzer Verlag, Berlin 2004