Horoscope 2022 | What are the astrological trends for the coming year?

2022 will be the ideal year to make your dreams come true, marked by hope and a touch of daring. What does 2022 have in store for you? Sign by sign, Catherine Viguié lifts the veil on astral trends for the year to come.

A new Year for dream ? This is what you have in store 2022. Catherine Viguié reveals you all trends for the twelve different signs of the zodiac. Yes hope and daring will be required, you will also have to transmit a message around you. But then, which one?

We discover this sign by sign, starting with Aries:

RAM : it is a year of rest, reflection and breathing. A gift, in short, that you are going to give yourself. You run away from the hustle and bustle, you take care of yourself and your own. Supreme gift, you will be the accomplice of others, much more than usual, and the accomplice of a person to whom you particularly care …
Find the full forecast for Aries in 2021.

Taurus: you will smile! 2022 will be a great year, an opportunity to celebrate with friends and also a great project in sight. You will have to change your habits a little and you don’t really like it … A little daring and you will see: it will suit you.
Find the full forecast for Taurus in 2022.

Gemini: 2022 will be a landmark year, full of renewal. You will thirst for recognition or want to go elsewhere. On the work side, it will be a rewarding year, so go for it! Of course, you will have to speak loudly and make yourself heard: express yourself!
Find the full predictions for Gemini in 2022.

Cancer : this year, your satisfaction will be to see the country. Some of you will also find your little piece of paradise. Thanks to the influence of Venus, we love you, we tell you and on top of that, we prove it to you. Another thing: you will be a champion of communication, both written and oral.
Find the full Cancer forecast for 2022.

Lion: your priority in 2022 will be to be in accordance with your intimate desires. So, you are going to spend your money, of course, but for your well-being: body, heart and mind. On the work side, a new mission awaits you: don’t even be afraid! You are the man or woman for the job.
Find the full forecast for Lions in 2022.

Virgin : 2022 will be a somewhat magical year! Someone or someone makes a difference in your life. On the work side or on the heart side: it’s serious. You are going to be very motivated and busy for the welfare of others. Remember to rest yourself too.
Find the full forecast for Virgo in 2022.

Balance : this year, one of your priorities will be to love your work and your activities. No way to get bored! You are going to take care of your beautiful person and put your ailments into words, well done!
Find the full Libra forecast for 2022.

Scorpio : 2020 will be a great year. The year of a romantic encounter, to have a child or to carry out the work of your life. The family and where you live will also be one of your priorities.
Find the full forecast for Scorpios in 2022.

Sagittarius: this year, everything will happen on the home side. Your family is growing, someone is leaving, you are going to move out or you are going to undertake work. Your satisfaction will be that everyone feels good under your roof. You will be delighted with this development!
Find the full forecast for Sagittarius in 2022.

Capricorn: what luck, Venus is with you at the beginning of the year until March and she will come to see you again at the very end of the year. Which means that a person is going to make your life a lot smoother. Best of all, you will communicate very well! Finally, to any travel proposal: say yes!
Find the full Capricorn forecast for 2021.

Aquarius: this year, your small cash flow will develop favorably. You will know how to negotiate! Essential for you in 2022, you will sentimentally demand sincerity. So if someone leaves: don’t worry. The next meeting will be much more beautiful.
Find the full forecast for Aquarius in 2022.

Fish: in 2022, you are the chosen one of the zodiac! We will succumb to your charm, your talent. What matters to you comes to life this year. So, dream out loud with the desire for a child, a new love, a new job. It’s your turn to play now.
Find the full forecast for Pisces in 2022.

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