Horoscope: 3 signs of the zodiac, which are preceded by a bad reputation

These 3 zodiac signs are unjustly plagued by prejudice

© Juergen Bauer Pictures / Shutterstock

Prejudice can be pretty nasty. Once they stick to you, they’ll be hard to get rid of. This is especially true of zodiac signs, because some of them already have a bad reputation. Here you can find out which three are not doing well at all.

The day of your own birth is not freely selectable, so zodiac signs are actually randomly thrown. We can’t choose them. What is common is that there seem to be signs of the zodiac that are totally unpopular and struggle with numerous prejudices. When asked which zodiac sign you are, there seem to be some wrong answers.

Especially when it comes to relationships, people suddenly attach great importance to the zodiac sign of their potential partner. It can mean “You are a twin?” and “They are sneaky and incompatible!”. It is totally forgotten that every zodiac sign also has positive properties. So put an end to zodiac bullying. We clean up and show you which zodiac sign is wrongly preceded by a bad reputation.

These 3 zodiac signs wrongly have a bad reputation

1st place: Scorpio

Scorpio is arguably the least popular of the zodiac signs and has one of the worst reputations. That could be because Scorpios are considered manipulative and vengeful. Most people consider it unpredictable and fear its poisonous sting. Anyone who betrays the Scorpio must fear his hatred and hostility – at least that’s what they say.

It is forgotten that the Scorpio is actually loyal and patient and can even withstand a lot of taunts and meanness until it reacts. He is resilient and a friend who takes secrets with him to the grave. Although he has a hard shell and is often very reserved at the beginning – which is confused with arrogance – once he builds trust, the soft, emotional core emerges. Courageous and charismatic, the Scorpio exerts a tremendous attraction on its fellow human beings.

2nd place: twin

Twins are considered sneaky and mean. They supposedly love to make other people feel guilty and to put themselves above the other person in the process. Geminis lack tact and self-reflection. That’s why many people also talk about the zodiac sign with two faces, which means something like nice around the front and pretty mean around the back.

Geminis are also full of energy, sociable and sociable. They know how to use their charm to win over people. Geminis are known to have a keen mind and a good understanding of people. They’re also real multi-tasking talents and often get things done with ease. Sometimes people with this zodiac sign can be little slobs, that may seem unreliable, but still lovable.

3rd place: Aries

Aries is the third most unpopular sign of the zodiac. He is said to be selfish, argumentative and quick-tempered. Aries are impulsive and want their heads through the wall, which is why they often appear irascible and even aggressive. It is often said that you shouldn’t mess with the Aries.

The Aries is also characterized by its independence and thirst for adventure. His energy and zest for action are totally contagious. So he literally pulls other people under his spell. In everything he does, he never loses sight of his goal and always remains optimistic, even if things don’t go according to plan – giving up is not an option for the strong-willed zodiac sign.

Sources used: Brigitte-Zweiwochenhoroskop, sternregister.de, instyle.de


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