Horoscope: 3 zodiac signs benefit in the week from October 18th to October 24th. from the stars

3 zodiac signs have from 18 to 24.10. a fabulous week

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Full moon, end of the Libra season and Mercury retrograde – on which zodiac signs the events from October 18th to October 24th. work best according to the horoscope, read here.

The Libra season ends, the Libra-lunar cycle goes into the second half and Mercury becomes direct again – from an astrological point of view, there is a lot going on in the week from October 18 to 24. How the events affect our life on earth varies greatly from person to person.

In general, according to Astrolog, the transition from Mercury to direct rotation can advance developments and projects that previously appeared to be stuck or difficult. The sun in Libra generally rewards a patient, tolerant, serene attitude: Not being too tense and relaxed about things is more likely to lead to success than ambition and fighting spirit. The full moon on October 20th in the fire sign Aries helps you to question your own self-image and to break away from beliefs that restrict and damage self-confidence.

According to the horoscope, the constellations in our universe have a particularly positive effect on the following zodiac signs.

Horoscope: These zodiac signs have their best week from October 18th to 24th


The full moon under the sign of Aries sheds light on your attitude towards life and yourself. It is possible that you feel attacked quickly during this week, and that seemingly harmless expressions are an attack on yourself. But you could question yourself and your interpretation. Why do you feel that way? Who are you in your eyes? What are you trying to protect? Who do you want to be? Asking yourself these and similar questions can now take you a big step further and free you from stressful self-schemas that no longer suit you. For support, Mars invites you to perceive the interest and appreciation that other people show you. To be happy takes courage and openness. If you clean up and rearrange yourself a little, you will find both in you.


In Cancer, events this week can trigger past experiences and emotions that are uncomfortable but also offer the chance to grow and develop a deeper form of serenity. The feeling of being passed over, not seen, not heard, not felt. The more familiar it is to you from your childhood, the more likely it will flare up again this week. But you are more mature and grown up than you were then, you are no longer a self-centered child who expects the world to revolve around you. Therefore you can question, put yourself in the shoes of your fellow human beings, consider what they are going through, how they see and assess you. You can also communicate and draw attention to yourself. And be there for yourself. You have what you need to deal with crisis or overwhelming feelings. And this knowledge gives profound peace and security.


The universe sends Scorpio a lot of inspiration, impressions and tasks this week. That works for you, you now enjoy being active, living in the here and now, with everything you are and have in the moment. Not rushing anything and asking yourself to ask twice rather than rushing decisions and judgments may be difficult at times, but it will pay off in the next moment. You will especially enjoy this week if you prioritize well and stay true to your priorities. After all, you don’t want to be the driven, but the driving force.

Source used: Brigitte-Zweiwochenhoroskop, mondrausch.com


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