Horoscope for Gemini in 2021 month by month: Current Woman The MAG

The planets are watching you in 2021. They draw your attention to innovative projects, fostering amazing contacts. Ready for the challenge?

Gemini horoscope for the month of January 2021

The presence of four planets in Aquarius (Air friend sign) is a good omen. In order of appearance, Jupiter and Saturn give credit to your ideas. Mix curiosity, creativity and originality, you get innovations in tune with the times. Your responsiveness allows you to grab the ball on the jump and improve your situation. The 9th, Mercury enriches your social life with contacts that are as interesting as they are unusual. The opportunity to join a new team and / or to change environment. Finally the 20th, the Sun creates ideal conditions to convince you to launch your activity.

Gemini horoscope for the month of February 2021

Good news that never comes alone, a fifth planet in Aquarius diffuses its benefits. From 2 to 25, Venus in turn boosts your alertness. In love, you launch projects in all directions. Before you embark on your partner's adventure without giving them time to think. Single, anything can go very quickly in a story that is not trivial. The attraction is immediate, the connection obvious. Venus bring luck to your finances. Your network gives you great tips to increase your income. This planetary cluster in Aquarius indicates that a good relationship (job, heart) is the key to your success.

Gemini horoscope for the month of March 2021

Hanging up Venus / Mars avoided, the inconvenience is reduced. Despite everything, some turbulence weakens your emotional life. A gap is created between dreams and reality. Watch out for plans on the comet, mirrors for larks. From 5 to 22, the affinities between Mars and Saturn give weight to your actions. You get to the point, especially if there is a financial stake to be won. Old disputes can be settled in the meantime. The activity you initiate will gain momentum thereafter. From the 22nd, Venus in Aries creates a click on the heart side. You take a decisive initiative capable of transforming your situation.

Gemini horoscope for the month of April 2021

Of beautiful planetary aspects emerge. It's a good sign ! The clue (with the duo Venus / Mars) that you cement bonds of love, friendship, family through concrete projects, developed together and hand in hand in the field. Another alliance, the one that unites Mars to Jupiter from 7 to 23. The setup is amazing to win the competition. Whether you pass an interview or an exam, success is yours. If you are in competition, your skills make the difference. Physically, the body displays a beautiful spring solidity. You are exulting. To note, from 15 to 19 an important event is likely to prompt the family to come together.

Gemini horoscope for the month of May 2021

Without doubt one of the most important months of the year. With a transition, not necessarily easy to succeed. From the 14th, Jupiter do a chip jump in Pisces. Heart, work, you want to move. Problem, circumstances are slowing your impulses. For their part, those around you seem reluctant to join your project. Take the plunge alone or wait? The Saturn recoil on the 24th suggests procrastinating. Your postponed projects, you will be free to refine them. By bringing together the means you need to carry them out. Good news, under the action of Mercury / Venus external allies help you in your efforts.

Gemini horoscope for the month of June 2021

Already there in May, Mercury (your favorite planet) has a popular birthday in store for you. Social contacts are the keystone of your success. They come as reinforcements, help you overcome obstacles, that Jupiter stand in your way. Most often material tests. Your situation changes. Wanted or suffered, the forecast does not specify it. The most important thing is to react quickly and adapt to events. It is therefore in the interest of following and applying the advice of your allies. Entering Leo on March 12 also causes good luck, which allows you to regain control if something goes wrong.

Gemini horoscope for the month of July 2021

From 6 to 14, Venus and Mars in Leo strengthen your power of seduction. Single, you double your chances of pushing romance (Venus). By doing a little provocation (March) to attract attention. The same desire to charm and conquer as a couple. Your spouse bows down to your willingness to organize days and activities. Until 11, Mercury makes it easier for you, if you have steps to take (contract, file, finances). Managing your priorities will allow you to spend the summer in peace. Form side, the Sun on the 23rd, helps you find new and good ways to recharge your batteries.

Gemini horoscope for the month of August 2021

"Duel in the sun" between slow planets in Aquarius, and others faster in Virgo. On a daily basis, your initiatives are thwarted by financial or administrative questions. For example, your project is reliable, that is undeniable. Unfortunately, not enough to obtain the means to act. From the 12th, Mercury puts you in front of your obligations. A hasty return to reality by a material problem to be resolved before the start of the school year. Venus on the 17th brings you relief, thanks to the fast and effective support of a loved one. Heart wise, the second fortnight of the month keeps its promises, if you fall for someone.

Gemini horoscope for the month of September 2021

The conditions are ideal for praising your merits, gaining confidence and improving your image. You rise to fame. Mercury creates a bond of connivance with someone influential, ready to give you a chance or propel you to the top. On the pro side, working in a team is successful. Your exchanges with an audience or a clientele are rewarding. Just like art and communication are becoming favorite sectors. The setbacks of Jupiter and Saturn benefit your business. They evolve slowly to give you time to capitalize on your successes (save, invest). Good management of your budget secures your situation.

Horoscope for Gemini for the month of October 2021

Mercury extend his stay in Libra. So much the better, its benefits help you get your messages across. Your ideas, requests and proposals are well received. From 6 to 16, the fusion Mercury / Mars promotes a happy and fruitful association. On the pro side, an agreement is sealed around a common project, launched immediately. On the heart side, dialogue cements your union. Lovers also become best friends, when it comes to helping each other. From the 8th, Venus causes inconvenience. A move can be postponed, a transfer delayed. Back in the race on the 19th, the Jupiter / Saturn binomial allows you to reap the rewards of your past efforts.

Gemini horoscope for the month of November 2021

Mercury moves away, the pace slows down. You are entering a period of reflection. Now is the time to assess your situation, identify your desires, define your ambitions, whether to continue, to stop or to take a new course. Under the influence of the pair Jupiter / Saturn, you forge new social bonds. With, who knows, the ambition to join another team, to work in a different environment. The implementation of your projects is slow. Every step counts, don't burn them. Emotionally, talking with those close to you is as important as it is effective, in getting you on the right track.

Gemini horoscope for the month of December 2021

The discussions are constructive, the projects promising. Still there, the duo Jupiter / Saturn advises you to define the conditions before committing. These two so-called "slow" planets lay the foundation for a future that you want. In love too, it is important to think about the actions to be taken together. A change of residence may take shape. Money issues deserve to be addressed with precision. From March 14 speeds up events. You are asked to act or react quickly, with no safeguards or guarantees in return. The bet is risky. Negotiate a deadline, the time to make sure that your assets are safe.

Also find Marc Angel's forecast month by month 2021 for the rest of the zodiac. Want to know more about your astrological sign, why not make an appointment with a specialist in the divinatory arts? Find more than fifty practitioners on Current Woman Astro Consult ' our new clairvoyance service.

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