Horoscope: These zodiac signs inspire the new moon on July 20th

Monday, July 20th is new moon – and this time it gives three very different zodiac signs positive energy according to the horoscope …

New moon usually has a completely different effect on us than a full moon – which is not surprising, after all, it is precisely opposite phases of the moon. While the full moon arouses deep emotions in many people, new moon often strengthens our rational side and lets us look at things more soberly and pragmatically. This also applies to the upcoming July new moon on Monday evening, July 20 in the constellation Cancer. The following zodiac signs in particular now benefit considerably.

Horoscope: These zodiac signs inspire the new moon on July 20th


The new moon helps you in a practical way to distance yourself from all the things that bother and bother you. Suddenly you see the big picture and think: If you have so little time anyway and possibly only live once, why do they make you unnecessarily difficult? A good question that you should write behind your ears … Look forward to an energy and motivation boost that starts on the weekend before the central new moon day and, if you allow it, continues for a few wonderful days afterwards .


Bulls have a tendency to be torn between their rational and emotional side. On the one hand, they are powerful, patented reason people who have everything under control, on the other hand, they love their passions and enjoy enjoying life to the fullest. On the new moon, just in time for Monday, the rational man takes the helm in them and they are exceptionally happy to let him do it without struggling. They now have a lot of fun working through their to-do list and creating something, yes, they even enjoy it. You don't need to worry about mutating into a workaholic: there will soon be another phase in which your passion gets the upper hand.


The time around the new moon is usually associated with a low for the cancer, but now the moon is in its sign – and everything is different! Crayfish are currently completely at ease with their feelings and feel balanced and stable. Your creativity reaches the level of scales – absolutely top! Your self-confidence is also great, and that infects other people: You are the person whom everyone now trusts and who can convince just about everyone. We just say: Enjoy!
