Horoscope: Three zodiac signs that have the best week from October 25th to 31st

These zodiac signs have luck on their side in the week of October 25th to 31st

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From an astrological point of view, the week of October 25th to 31st brings with it some changes. Three zodiac signs have grown and, according to the horoscope, can look forward to the days ahead.

The last week of October from October 25th to 31st will be turbulent from an astrological point of view. The constellation of the stars ensures that a lot of energy arises, which enriches the majority of the zodiac signs and helps many to be positive. The imbalance that Mercury retrograde continued to spread until recently seems to be slowly fading. The waning moon causes you to find your way back to your own center and focus on what is important. According to the horoscope, there are some changes just around the corner, for which space can be made.

Horoscope: The following zodiac signs are predicted to be a particularly happy week from October 25th to 31st


Capricorns are usually naturally skeptical. The changes that the new week brings will challenge you, but also provide an opportunity to prove yourself and gain confidence. Your personal resilience will be put to the test, but according to the stars it shouldn’t be a problem to master it. Venus is also favorable to Capricorn and allows interpersonal relationships to flourish. Newly acquired courage now encourages you to allow attachment, even as it involves change. Go into the new week with an open mind and communicative, then you will be enriched.


The coming week is all about love for Aquarians. Jupiter and Venus are favorable to each other and ensure that relationships of all kinds benefit and release feelings of happiness. In addition, you will benefit from a positive self-esteem in the coming days, which in turn rubs off on those around you. You are a welcome guest and your advice is needed. This attention can be enjoyed. With openness and a willingness to experiment, doors will open and some opportunities are now waiting to be seized.


Virgos are encouraged this week to engage with themselves and leave behind doubts from the past. The lunar knot enriches you in the coming days with mental strength and self-confidence. You now have your goals clearly in mind and nothing will get you astray that quickly. With the newly gained trust, love relationships and friendships also benefit. Venus helps to develop optimism and energy, which have a positive effect on your own attitude to life and those around you. According to the horoscope you will feel a connection to nature that recharges empty batteries.

Source used: Brigitte two-week horoscope


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