Horoscope: You don’t notice this sign of the zodiac when you are injured

You don’t notice this sign of the zodiac when you are injured

© Alexander Deviatka / Shutterstock

With some people it is not to be overlooked when they feel hurt, others do not show it. You can read here which zodiac signs typically belong to the second category.

Getting hurt or disappointed is a must in life. Someone says something that unsettles us, shakes our self-worth or makes us feel uncomfortable due to some previous experience, and it happened without the person being able to see it coming. Or a: a friend does something that shows us that our relationship is less important to her: him than it is to us. Or a supervisor makes a decision that signals to us that our work is valued less than we thought.

Life doesn’t always go the way we want it to, and other people sometimes don’t act on our behalf, and that hurts. Then showing that, feeling, hearing or letting our surroundings feel that we are hurt can actually help, as it enables other people to respond to us, to comfort us, to recognize that they have hurt us and their behavior on ours Adjust your emotional state. Problem: Some people find it incredibly difficult to show when they are injured.

The reasons for this can be varied and usually lie in a mixture of upbringing and conditioning, personality, self-confidence and the special relationship constellation that is involved. According to astrology, people with the following zodiac signs are particularly predestined to develop difficulties in showing that they are hurt.

Horoscope: You don’t notice this sign of the zodiac when you are injured


Capricorns usually value independence and strength. Many Capricorns therefore train themselves (unconsciously) early on to show when they are injured. You want to appear invulnerable and prefer not to offer other people any points of attack. But in doing so, they also deprive those around them of the opportunity to target them not to hurt.


Geminis typically take very little to heart and are not easily injured – but they are not immune to it either. Often times, they react to injury with irony or humor, which makes it difficult for most people to see how they really are feeling.


Libra are usually very considerate and understanding personalities who often put their own needs and feelings aside in order to protect other people and to relieve them. For this reason, many Libra have difficulty showing when they are injured: They do not want to bother anyone with it and they often understand how the injury came about and that it was not caused by bad faith.


Many Sagittarius people fear negative feelings. When they are injured, they often cannot admit it to themselves immediately, or they need a while to classify it and recognize it as being injured. Sometimes they then overcompensate for their pain by radiating good mood and sunshine to the outside world. This makes it impossible for most people to tell when a Sagittarius is injured.
