Household: Eleven tips to make cooking faster

Many working people lack the desire to stand in the kitchen in the evening. These eleven tips will help to make things go faster on the stove.

The desire to cook is usually low after a hard day at work. Therefore, frozen meals often end up in the pan. Fresh dishes are much more enjoyable for the palate – and are also healthier. It's faster in the kitchen with these tips.

The preparation

Anyone who knows from the outset that there is little desire to cook in the evening can prepare what takes the most time on the weekend or the day before: cutting the vegetables. This will reduce the effort later.

Finding the ingredients

If you sort your kitchen utensils and groceries, you'll find them faster afterwards. This is helpful when writing the shopping list as well as during preparation and saves time.

Internalize the recipe

Keep looking for the recipe because you've forgotten how to prepare it is annoying. Therefore: Read the guidelines thoroughly and internalize them.

Lifehacks for the water

A kettle is sufficient for small amounts of water. If you want to put the pot on the stove, you should use the smallest model from the kitchen cupboard, because the water heats up faster this way. Also, always make sure that the pot is on the correct hotplate.

Pasta dishes

The thinner the pasta, the faster it will cook. Pasta fanatics should therefore leave the classic spaghetti in the pantry every now and then and use the thinner capellini instead. They are ready after three minutes.

The choice of side dishes

It doesn't always have to be fresh vegetables. Side dishes such as bread slices or couscous, which only have to be poured over with boiling water, are less expensive.

Do not preheat

The oven does not need to be preheated for many dishes. Then the cooking time may differ, so check back and forth over the food so that it doesn't burn.

Use the lid

The water boils faster and vegetables cook faster when the lid is on the pot.

Skip the peeling

Young potatoes, carrots or cucumbers are also tasty with the skin on.

Freeze food

Often there are too many pasta anyway. The leftovers can be kept in the refrigerator for a few days; a freezer is useful for longer periods. For example, two meals can be prepared in one go.

The leftover food

Speaking of leftovers: Warming up food that has already been prepared usually works just as well in the microwave as it does in the oven or on the stove and saves energy. Bread rolls that have already been baked can also be warmed up in a toaster.
