If you take a warm shower, you have to reckon with a fogged mirror afterwards – right? These life hacks ensure a clear interface.
A fogged mirror after showering makes it almost impossible to take care of your face and body afterwards. However, the problem can be solved quickly – and in the long term – with simple life hacks.
Why do mirrors fog up?
A surface usually steams up when there is cool and warmer air in the room. The warm or hot air, for example in the bathroom or in the kitchen after cooking, contains a lot of moisture. If this air hits a cold surface, it cools down and can no longer hold the liquid – droplets are deposited on these surfaces.
Ventilate properly
Anyone who takes a shower should also ventilate properly. Because the vapors released do not only cloud the reflective surfaces – the vapor can also get into the apartment and lead to the formation of mold. The vapors can also escape through an open bathroom door.
The lifehack with the hand soap
If you want to prevent the mirror from fogging up in advance, you can rub the surface with a bar of soap. Use ordinary soap with a little washing-up liquid. Wipe off the remaining streaks and marks with a cloth. Due to the thin soap trail on the surface, no more water can settle and the surfaces no longer fog up.
Mirror heating
A very convenient and simple way of preventing the surfaces from fogging up is so-called mirror heating. Modern bathroom mirrors are factory-fitted with heating – if this is switched on while showering, the bathroom mirror is warm and the warm air cannot release its moisture to the surface. If you want to equip your old mirror with a heater, you can attach special heating plates to the back of the surface and switch them on before showering.