Household: why it can smell unpleasant when vacuuming

Why it can smell unpleasant when sucking

Moist substances should not be removed with a vacuum cleaner.

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Sometimes an unpleasant odor can arise when vacuuming. This is mainly due to the incorrect care of the device. Then what to do.

Regular vacuuming not only keeps the apartment clean, but also helps prevent allergy-related illnesses. Unfortunately, with frequent use, the vacuum cleaner always smells unpleasant. What are the causes and what can be done about the odor?

That's why the vacuum cleaner smells after frequent use

The causes of the unpleasant smell are diverse. As a rule, however, the root of all evil can be found inside the vacuum cleaner. This can be animal hair or leftover food in the vacuum cleaner bag, for example. These develop unpleasant odors in connection with the heat generated when vacuuming.

It all depends on the right care

In order to reliably combat odors when vacuuming, it is advisable to pay attention to the correct care of the vacuum cleaner. Anyone who owns a device with filters should change them regularly. Food residues and moist substances should also not end up in the vacuum cleaner bag. It is also important to thoroughly clean the interior of the vacuum cleaner and to change the bag after several uses.

Alternative solutions for unpleasant smells

Anyone who occasionally does not have the leisure to take care of the vacuum cleaner can fight the unpleasant smell after vacuuming with simple household remedies. For example, the smell can be neutralized with the help of a mint tea bag inside the vacuum cleaner bag. Alternatively, those affected can use coffee powder. A cotton pad soaked in essential oils also helps to combat unpleasant odors.
