How to celebrate Halloween in times of covid-19?

Halloween is fast approaching. But with the circulation of the coronavirus, the traditional door-to-door is largely compromised. Find out how to celebrate October 31 with your kids despite the pandemic.

This year, the Halloween party promises to be special. Due to the Coronavirus pandemic, it is essential to respect barrier gestures. Thus, pajama parties and the traditional door to door seem included. Something to disappoint the children, who usually look forward to October 31st.

You can already reassure your cherubs that they will be able to take their most beautiful costumes out of the closet. Indeed, whether you decide to stay at home or go out, there are many ways to celebrate Halloween despite the sanitary measures. Watch out for the liver attack!

Inventive parents!

If Halloween is a fairly popular holiday in France, it is even more so across the Atlantic. In the United States, some parents have been very inventive in allowing children to go door to door, while respecting physical distancing.

In the state of Michigan, a father had an unusual idea: set up a zipline system in the form of a spooky ghost, so that he could distribute candy to the children (and beers for the parents). One way to satisfy young and old.

American YouTubers have unveiled a video on their channel, in which they explain how to make a pipe to distribute candy remotely. A good idea if you are a DIY enthusiast! The extra touch? Decorate this "candy tunnel" in a way that makes it spooky!

For parents who are not very manual, you can always follow the recommendations of the Government of Saskatchewan in Canada. They advise using tongs to distribute the candy and advise families not to touch the candies for 72 hours. You can also add a line in front of your door, where the children should stop, and also wear your mask.

Another idea if you don't want to go door to door this year, simply suggest that your children put on their costumes and parade in the street!

Activities at home

For those who choose to celebrate Halloween with their family at home, there are many activities that can make the evening festive.

1 / Decorate your house: with cobwebs, pumpkins, spiders … make your little cocoon scary and involve your children. They will be happy to participate and it will occupy them a good part of the day.

2 / Do not hesitate to do your home decoration! There are many DIYs available online that teach you how to make your own papier-mâché pumpkins or small hanging cotton ghosts.

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3 / Prepare a scary meal with your kids. Pick a few terrifying recipes, like finger-shaped sausages, coffin-shaped pizzas, or potions to be made by your little wizards! Something to feast and amaze young and old.

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4 / Organize games with sweets. For example, a treasure hunt like Easter, but Halloween version. You can also play wolf: if your child catches up with you, he will be able to have all your sweets. And vice versa. Be inventive, take inspiration from everyday games and create your own rules.

5 / Ask your children to make their own disguise. Depending on their age, you can either offer them a DIY activity with what you have at home or ask them to make the best possible costume with what they have in the closet.

6 / Prepare a scary movie night! Whether it's on Netflix or Disney +, you can find kid-friendly Halloween movies. And since it's Halloween, let them enjoy the evening without a curfew.

7 / Tell yourself scary stories, taken from books, found on the Internet or even invented. Thrills guaranteed!

Read also :

Halloween: 10 original family game ideas

10 inexpensive costumes that children will love!

The cutest celebrity children's Halloween costumes

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