how to claim the supplement of 53,117 euros

In 2023, Parliament voted for an additional boost for single-parent families benefiting from the Christmas bonus. On the CAF or MSA side, therefore for RSA beneficiaries, the premium is automatically increased. On the Ple Emploi side, on the other hand, you will have to claim this supplement. Here’s how.

Are you one of the several hundred thousand beneficiaries of the Christmas bonus via Ple Emploi? If yes, it means that you are receiving the specific solidarity allowance (ASS), one of its variations, the fixed bonus for returning to work (PF) or the retirement equivalent allowance (AER). Ct Ple Emploi, the 2023 Christmas bonus is fixed: the amount is precisely 152.45 euros (and 76.23 euros for Mayotte). If you are a beneficiary, the transfer probably already appears in your bank account, or it will appear very soon due to bank delays: payments have been in progress since December 13. You can also check your eligibility in the event of a banking delay: Ple Emploi generates a payment notice, which can be viewed in your personal space.

How to claim the supplement for a single parent, of 53 euros or more

You are the beneficiary of the Christmas bonus, via Ple Emploi, and you are single parent? You are probably entitled to the supplement for single-parent families. Here are the amounts involved, 53 euros for a single dependent child, 117 euros for four children, 160 euros for six children, etc.

Christmas bonus 2023, via Ple Emploi: the supplement for single-parent families
Who?Supplement amount
(in addition to the 152.45 dj verss)
1 child dependent53.36
2 children80.04
3 children96.04
4 children117.39
Per additional child+ 21.34

Ple Emploi has detailed the procedure to follow, on his website, to request this supplement. To receive the supplement, you must contact your advisor who will ask you to: complete a sworn statement, provide a certificate of payment from CAF/MSA as well as a copy of the family record book.

The supplement is due as soon as you have sent Ple emploi all the requested documents, assures Ple Emploi, soon transformed into France Travail. Please note: You must return all documents before May 31, 2024. Beyond this deadline, the Christmas bonus supplements will therefore no longer be available.

Christmas bonus 2023: the 4 payment dates for CAF, MSA and Ple emploi to remember

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