How to recognize a good galette des rois? : Current Woman The MAG

For the Epiphany, choosing your galette des rois can be more complicated than expected. Between the galette and the brioche, the different shapes and fillings, we do not always know where to turn.

This year, like 73% of French people, you have decided to choose a traditional frangipane pancake. Neither one nor two, you are on your way to your favorite pastry chef to choose it. But between all the pancakes laid out in front of you, it's hard to know which one to choose. To avoid disappointing your guests, and be sure to select THE right cake, the pastry chef Nina Métayer (Delicatessen) explains the procedure to us.

A nice puff pastry

The most important thing in the galette des rois is to have a "beautiful puff pastry"Avoid the patties."flat"and prefer versions"more lifted and more generous in puff pastry". If the edges of the cake are enough"Tops"is that it has inflated well. And a well inflated pancake is the sign of a"better balance"between the dough and the frangipane," specifies Nina Métayer.

A golden pancake

Before choosing, take a look at the color of the cake: "it must be nicely golden", explains the pastry chef. If the pancake turns white, leave it aside. Same thing for a pancake too dark : "overcooked on top, it will be flood inside". Finally, see if the cake has the same color on all surfaces because "cooking must be perfectly even, both on the top and on the edges".

⋙ The mistake we all make with the galette des rois

A beautiful finish

Thefinal appearance of the galette will give you important clues as to how it was prepared: "if the craftsman has taken the care to achieve a beautiful finish for his cake (grigne, gilding, syrup, chipping …), it is because he has taken the time to do it well."

The decoration of the cake (grigne), made with a blade, does not have to be perfect and similar on all the pancakes. Rest assured, it does not change the taste.

A good smell

A good pancake should smell good (butter, almonds)! Avoid patties that smell of bitter almond: "if good quality almonds are used, there is no need to add artificial flavoring or other artifices ", says Nina Métayer.

A fair price

The price of the cake is also an interesting parameter. Contrary to appearances, preparing a galette des rois requires "a lot of time and D'efforts to the craftsman. The puff pastry East long to prepare, and then take the time to carry out the decor of each pancake by hand".

The cost of raw materials, "if they are carefully chosen and well sourced"also represents a large budget for the craftsman. It is therefore difficult to imagine a good galette for 4 people "at a price lower than 15 €".

Read also :

⋙ The French favorite galette des rois: the quick recipe

⋙ The mistake we all make with the galette des rois

⋙ Galette des rois: what is the difference between frangipane and almond cream?