“I am 56 years old and here I think I was able to stabilize my weight when I reached menopause”

Why do we gain weight during menopause? The testimony of this 56-year-old woman and the advice of an expert explain how it is stabilizing.

The most common symptom of menopause is the arrival of heat waves (which can burn up to 14 days). But they are not alone in accompanying this period in a woman’s life. Certain areas are particularly pimples on the face (discover the best techniques to remove acne). And a beautiful surprise a pinch of weight.

Ideal for sporting activities such as the long coast, Nordic walking or any sport under the sea that allows you to lose between 400 and 600 calories without getting too tired. The expert Sophie Janvier gave an eloquent testimony to illustrate a way of taking it. Author of The gentle method for better eatingthe dietician nutritionist appears in Top Health the example of Marie, 56, doesn’t understand why she takes weight because she eats herself.

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Why do we gain weight during menopause?

Dynamic and Bavarian hairdresser, Marie consults Sophie Janvier to manage her symptoms of menopause. For two years, she suffered from heat waves, fatigue, irritability and gained around 4 kilos without changing her eating habits. She confides: “I always eat clean, not industrial products, but rather vegetables. I love cooking”. She explains “Well, I love receiving friends and drinking a glass of wine at night, but there were already cases before, so Why do I take weight?”.

But the estrogen chute linked to menopause causes a pinch of fat at the level of the waist and armsaccompanied by a loss of muscle mass. Why? Because our metabolism slows down, we consume less energy and therefore cannot eliminate its calorific values ​​like before. Should he eat less himself?

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How to stabilize weight?

Marie questions her need to eat less and less to avoid these effects, although excess weight can provoke more inflammation and resistance to insulin. Sophie Janvier advises in effect eat less but without overeating and without becoming frustratedbecause the objective is to last for a long time. A drastic regime provokes, contrary to brutal arrests, a drop in motivation linked to very large privatizations. And stand in the head of well eaten : proteins but also fibres such as fruits, vegetables, especially dried ones, shelled fruits, whole cereals…

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Opt for a small breakfast with more protein and less sugardishes balanced with meat, fish, eggs or vegetable proteins, a little flakes and a selection of fruit and vegetables. You have to scale it down but not put too much in, and include tasty foods (juices, desserts, flavors…). Think also about sportwhich affects your metabolism. This can be done by including more walking in your daily routine or by doing a regular activity (yoga, pilates, badminton, zumba…). For Marie, this worked well by wearing a part of her suit to the hairdresser on foot and going to the gym once a week, She lost 4 kilos while maintaining her weight.

Editor for Aufeminin since 2022, Charlotte is a passionate about film, French and international, and a reader of good adventures. Curious of all, she speaks exclusively about characters such as…

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