I refuse to have gifts offered to my children for their birthday parties

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A mum explained that she refuses all gifts for her children, even at their birthday parties. A carefully considered choice that she does not regret and that she explains.

The older children get, the more they are invited to birthday parties. And as parents, friends’ birthdays include finding a present, staying or not to help the organizing parent… It can be a real headache at the beginning and even more so when it’s your birthday. your child. Do it at home or outside the house, have a snack, put a little decoration or not, in short, all parents wonder how to make your child’s birthday unforgettable without losing their skin?

A mother imposed a clear rule, for her no way other parents are bringing gifts to her children’s birthdays. Carly Hobbs has two children, ages 2 and 4, and her husband, Jonathan, agrees. In a period where prices are exploding, she prefers her children to remember the moments spent with their friends rather than gifts. An opinion that is not necessarily shared by other parents…

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No birthday presents for his two children

Carly Hobbs, the mum, explained her decision in The Sun: “Thinking back to my own childhood, I have happy memories of times past but not of the gifts my classmate Jack gave me.” The click came to him after the birthday of one of his sons, last year her child received so many gifts for her birthday They had to donate it to charity. The mother says: “We just didn’t have the space to store these toys and my son didn’t need them.”

But it’s not just for that, as she explains to the English media, life is getting more and more expensive and she doesn’t want to put families aside because they can’t afford to buy presents for children’s birthdays. And if the children are invited to all the birthday parties in their class, the expenses pile up, often for nothing. Finally, the last reason for his decision, it is also for the environment, the cheapest gifts are often the most polluting and she does not want to participate in that. NOW, she puts a note on the invitations indicating that you should not bring gifts : “I’d rather the pals arrive with excitement than with a carefully wrapped gift” And she hopes to inspire other parents…

Parenting writer

Zoé is on a work-study program, she joined the aufeminin team in September 2022, she writes for the parenting section. Committed and curious, Zoé likes to write to advance…

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